There are 5 Companies in South Africa
that provide Broadcast Video Services!

IT spend in South Africa is forecast to increase at a higher pace than the economy in 2020. Although the general state of the economy has a direct impact on the growth of the ICT sector, its customers continue to invest in technology and the sector consistently shows a growth rate that is higher than GDP.

Discover Top IT Companies in South Africa specialized in Broadcast Video including live streaming, video hosting, transcoding, equipment supply, support and maintenance and more.

Broadcasting involves delivering audio or video content to a wide audience through various electronic communication methods, usually utilizing radio waves. This distribution follows a one-to-many approach, reaching multiple people simultaneously. The “Traditional TV & Home Video” segment of the media market is expected to grow by 0.2 billion users between 2023 and 2027, reaching a new peak of 5.69 billion users in 2027. This marks a ninth consecutive year of growth, showcasing the market's continued growth over the past years, according to Statista.

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Explore Top Broadcast Video Companies in South Africa

We found 5 companies. Last updated in: June, 2024

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South African IT Industry: General Country Profile

The level of IT spendings in South Africa is forecast to increase at a higher pace than the economy in 2020. Although the general state of the economy has a direct impact on the growth of the ICT sector, its customers continue to invest in technology and the sector consistently shows a growth rate that is higher than GDP. 

Cybersecurity is a high priority, with global statistics indicating that South Africa is the third most targeted country in the world for cyber-attacks. Alleged IT-related procurement irregularities revealed through a number of commissions of inquiry and investigations continue to affect the reputation of some industry players. It is estimated that there are over 13,000 IT companies and over 3,000 electronics companies in South Africa with the vast majority being small companies employing less than 50 people according to Globe-News Wire.

Why working with a South African IT company

New and growing trends will provide significant opportunities for small and large players in the sector. These include growth in telecommunications, data center revenues and artificial intelligence, and the internet of things, where start-ups are expected to lead innovation. Digital transformation to improve customer experiences and online purchasing, fintech banking, blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality are some of the technologies that will disrupt the South African ICT industry in 2019. 

The industry is characterized by consolidation and convergence of companies within the IT sector, and between companies in the IT and telecommunications sectors.

What you should be aware of when working with South-African IT companies

The growth projections of the IT market could be higher were it not for certain factors that seem to constrain it, including the cost sensitivity of customers, low expenditure by the public sector, market maturity, and bigger companies sourcing directly from the original equipment manufacturers. 

 IT market growth is also impeded by bigger companies that bypass IT vendors and go directly to OEMs for products and services. This impacts negatively on smaller companies that provide niche services within the broader IT sector. 

How reliable are South African IT companies

Despite the challenges facing the IT sector, its products and services have become part and parcel of everyday business and social life. The fast pace of innovation helps the sector to remain relevant while shaping the future of business and society. 

How does the South-African IT industry relate to the neighboring countries?

The South African IT market, comprising of hardware, packaged software and IT services submarkets, is regarded as one of the most developed and sophisticated within the continent. South African IT companies rank among world leaders in areas such as mobile software, electronic banking services, pre-payment, revenue management, fraud prevention systems, and the manufacture of set-top boxes according to a report provided by the South-African Department of Communications. 

What is Broadcast Video and what are its benefits for your projects?

Broadcasting involves delivering audio or video content to a wide audience through various electronic communication methods, usually utilizing radio waves. This distribution follows a one-to-many approach, reaching multiple people simultaneously.

The “Traditional TV & Home Video” segment of the media market is expected to grow by 0.2 billion users between 2023 and 2027, reaching a new peak of 5.69 billion users in 2027. This marks a ninth consecutive year of growth, showcasing the market's continued growth over the past years, according to Statista.

Types of broadcasting video

The main broadcast media sources are television and radio, although they have been joined by streaming services, web-based broadcasts, podcasts, and other digital formats. Today there are several types of broadcast video:


TV is an advanced broadcasting medium that provides a visually appealing experience for the public. It is crucial for businesses to present their products orally and provide comprehensive explanations. Television advertising effectively reaches the target audience, with cable TV advertising utilizing creative filming techniques to promote networks among middle-class households.

Advertising Films

Advertising films are commercial productions that showcase products using visual and auditory elements. They use catchy phrases and a comprehensive portrayal of the product, making them highly effective due to people's preference for visual media. Entrepreneurs often use promotional films to promote their goods due to their strong visual appeal and popularity among consumers.

Video Advertising

Video advertising, also known as sales video, differs from regular films in that they lack a story. Instead, these short clips are concise visual representations of business details. They can be shown in various places such as pubs and theaters, or displayed on roadside displays like 3D billboards. Additionally, broadcasters use drama and music to convey advertising messages to a wide audience.


Live-streaming is an advanced internet broadcasting technique that transmits data in real-time, enabling businesses, brands, and advertisers to reach a wider audience, increase brand awareness, promote products or services, and generate new leads.

There are two types of live-streaming: 

  • OTT Advertising (Over-The-Top): Targeted ads shown on streaming services like Amazon Prime and Netflix offer advertisers the opportunity to engage with cord-cutters and a younger age group.

  • Connected TV (CTV) Advertising: Smart TV advertisements provide consumers with interactive and tailored content.


Slides are essentially posters that showcase product information through the use of vibrant colors, visuals, and diverse typography. Typically presented on large screens within cinemas, they are typically shown during intermissions or before the start of a film. Unlike advertising films, slides are a cost-effective means of conveying information.

Benefits of Broadcast Video Service

Companies can gain a number of advantages by incorporating broadcast video services into their work, including:

  • This type of media is accessible and efficient for communication. 

  • It reaches a broader audience and stands out within geographical boundaries.

  • Content can be tailored based on the preferences of the audience.

  • It provides high knowledge of different themes and trends.

  • It stands as a prime choice for endorsing products and services.

  • Broadcast media brings innovative and distinct ideas from the younger generations.

How to Choose a Broadcast Video Service Provider 

TechBehemoths simplifies selecting the best broadcast video companies for projects by offering a directory of over 341 IT companies. The platform offers profiles, client reviews, and ratings to evaluate and compare providers. Advanced search filters narrow down options based on industry expertise, location, and project requirements, ensuring a tailored match for broadcast video needs. Broadcast video is crucial for brand growth and staying informed, promoting products or services, and is essential for today's world continued growth and importance.