There are 362 Companies in Atlanta
that cover 91 Services & Industries!

Atlanta is the home to more than 13000 IT and tech companies activating in subsectors such as telecom, CyberSecurity, FinTech, digital media, web, and software development.

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Last updated in: July, 2024
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The ICT in Atlanta: General Portrait

Atlanta is the home to more than 13000 IT and tech companies activating in subsectors such as telecom, CyberSecurity, FinTech, digital media, web, and software development.

Additionally, Atlanta seems to have the perfect balance in terms of IT education and companies: the increasing number of students in IT faculties is the main human resource for IT companies that hire even freshmen students to work for them.  Moreover, Atlanta was mentioned as #7 Market for Tech Talent Labor Pool Growth Rate, with a 34.7% increase of tech talent employed, 2012-2017, according to Metro Atlanta Chamber.

Another interesting fact about Atlanta IT industry is that most in-demand occupations in this sector are software developers, project managers, and software engineers.

Based on the rates provided above it is expected that Atlanta will continue to grow its IT capabilities and expand as one of the biggest US tech hubs despite the competition on the internal market. Since tech development had a huge impact on human infrastructure and created advanced facilities for sectors such as FinTech and digital media in Atlanta, the major challenges and areas that will probably bump up are cybersecurity and the creative industry. 

Nonetheless, for future growth, Atlanta has the capacities to attract an increasing number of clients for the already developed subsectors of the IT industry and is considered a great opportunity for potential clients interested in projects related to software development, web design, and development.

As of August 2023, there are 430+ IT companies from Atlanta registered on TechBehemoths