There are 270 Companies in Birmingham
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Last updated in: July, 2024
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The IT Industry in Birmingham: City's Tech Profile


Birmingham is the 2nd largest city in the United Kingdom. Historically, it was famous for being a key city with a prosperous manufacturing industry. It was leading the industrial revolution, being home to famous scientists who invented the steam engine and gas lighting.

It was a major automotive manufacturer and industrial center during the 20th century, but in recent years became one of the fastest growing tech hubs in the UK and is set to become one of the leading tech cities in the country.

The West Midlands region is home to thousands of startups and IT companies that are estimated to generate a significant contribution to the region’s economy by 2025 (more than £2.5B) and create more than 50K new tech jobs.

In the past few years, tech companies from Birmingham raised over £500M in venture capital per year, and the government also plans to invest hundreds of millions of £ in the city to make it an important innovation and tech center.

Businesses and tech professionals are choosing Birmingham because it’s well connected to London, has relatively lower prices for rent, has a diverse culture and a thriving tech scene and lots of options for activities to experience after work.

According to West Midlands Tech Review by Birmingham Tech, the region has an ambitious plan to become the leading tech hub in the country based on the digital roadmap for 2021 - 2026, which has 5 key objectives:

  • Become the country’s best connected region

  • Use data to improve people’s lives

  • Make sure everyone gets access to digital opportunities

  • Use digital public services to improve the region

  • Continue the digital transformation

More than 260 IT companies from Birmingham listed on TechBehemoths. They offer a wide range of services and have various levels of expertise in specific industries.

Choosing a reliable IT service provider from this region or city might be a difficult task. That’s why we've created an advanced filter to ease the selection process and allow you to shortlist the companies based on your project needs.

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