There are 359 Companies in Jaipur
that cover 94 Services & Industries!

Jaipur is one of the fastest-growing tech hubs in India nowadays. The pink city how others call it, has both benefited and contributed to the digital boom in the country and now is an attractive destination for IT companies and young professionals.

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Last updated in: July, 2024
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The ICT Sector in Jaipur: Tech Market Research

Jaipur is one of the fastest-growing tech hubs in India nowadays. The pink city how others call it, has both benefited and contributed to the digital boom in the country and now is an attractive destination for It companies and young professionals. 

Jaipur offers great potential for innovative ventures in terms of market size, cash flow, employee cost & quality, educated consumers, technology users, etc. Lack of homegrown brands adds seasoning to the need for homegrown brands. The millennial Jaipurites noticed this opportunity and in the last decade, the city managed to create more than 10,000 startups. 

Additionally, Jaipur is the home to one of Asia’s largest startup incubators, where the government facilitated more than 700 young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses using new technologies. 

Even though it’s one of the fastest-growing cities in India, Jaipur has to catch up with other important tech hubs especially when it comes to the average wage. In the IT industry employees earn on average $4150/year, according to payscale. This is lower than Bengaluru, New Delhi, and Mumbai.

Like many other cities in India, Jaipur also focuses on BPO and is one of the largest IT services exporter of the country alongside Mumbai, Pune, and Hyderabad. 

In case you are interesting in working with IT companies from Jaipur, you can discover them all on TechBehemoths