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Last updated in: July, 2024
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The Tech Industry in Dublin - a brief analysis


Often named the “Silicon Valley of Europe”, Ireland hosts the European headquarters of the world’s biggest tech companies. Most of them are located in Dublin, specifically in the Dublin Docklands area, also called “Silicon Docks”. 

Ireland wasn’t particularly known for its IT sector, but things changed when in the early 2000s tech giants started opening their European headquarters across the country.

According to Technology Ireland, the tech sector (estimated at about $50B) accounts for about 13% of the country’s GDP. This is a significant contributor to the country’s economic growth.

Based on the Central Bank of Ireland report, there were over 160K employed IT professionals at the end of 2022, which represented a 30% increase compared to previous years

These days, multinational tech companies like Microsoft, Google, Meta, Amazon, Adobe, IBM, Intel, Oracle, Indeed, Hubspot and many more, have offices in Dublin and are expanding their local presence by employing thousands of professionals.

Dublin created a friendly environment for multinational companies (corporate tax, good infrastructure, large talent pool, government support, funding, research & development, etc.), becoming a gateway to the EU for tech companies and a thriving IT hub.  

It’s no surprise that Dublin is a major exporter of software services, being a top city by the value of exported services. Also, the United States is the biggest investor in Ireland with the largest number of IT companies. 

TechBehemoths lists over 220 IT service providers from Dublin. That’s a decent number of companies to choose from and consider for hiring.

At the same time, finding the right company from this city to work with can be a challenging task. Hence, we’ve created an advanced and intuitive filter to ease the selection process. You can narrow down the results and shortlist the companies based on your project requirements.

Browse the company listings, select the ones that meet your criteria or submit your project requirements and we’ll send you a curated list of tech companies to contact. It’s free of charge and there is no obligation to hire.