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Last updated in: July, 2024
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The IT Industry in Warsaw: General Overview

Warsaw is not only the biggest city of Poland with over 1.7M people, but also its capital and a thriving tech city set to become the new Silicon Valley of Europe.

While Western Europe experiences a shortage of IT talent, Poland and Warsaw particularly, which is the nation's leading city, has a large pool of IT talent which is competitive and skilled - making it a great opportunity for outsourcing.

According to McKinsey, Poland’s economy is predicted to grow to about €900B by 2030 and become more self-sufficient. The IT sector makes up around 8% of the country's GDP, with other 400K IT workers powering the growth of the economy.

Poland is strategically located in the center of Europe and neighbors Germany, the biggest economy in the EU, making it a competitive region for the IT industry. 

Tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, Cisco and many others, have offices in Warsaw and invested millions of $ in data centers, office spaces, campuses + employ thousands of tech professionals. 

Hundreds of startups and IT companies from Warsaw like DocPlanner, Ramp, Tylko, Displate, Telemedi, etc., attracted more than $300M of investment from various international funds in recent years, which was a tremendous growth compared to previous years.

TechBehemoths lists over 240 tech companies from Warsaw. They provide a wide set of services such as software development, mobile app development, cloud consulting,  app testing and many more.

Finding the right partner located in this city can be a time consuming and challenging task. Hence, we’ve developed an advanced filter to ease the selection process. It allows you to narrow down the results and shortlist the companies based on your project requirements.

Start browsing and selecting the companies to work with, or submit your project requirements and we’ll send you a curated list of tech companies to consider for hiring. The service is free of charge.