There are 107 Companies in Johannesburg
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We found 107 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024
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Is Johannesburg a better tech destination in South Africa?


Johannesburg is the capital and largest city of Gauteng - the richest province in South Africa. This city is among the world's 50 most populated urban areas with a unique status as the largest city globally that is not located along a river, lake, or coastline.

Johannesburg is one of the leading technology cities in Africa, with a well-developed telecommunications network, high-speed internet access, many co-working spaces, and technology incubators. There are many startups like Paystack, Flutterwave, Andela, Yoco, etc as well as a number of large tech companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.

Many strong universities and colleges are located in the city, one of which is the University of Johannesburg, one of the largest universities in South Africa. It is not surprising that there is a large number of rising tech talent. The city also has a number of programs aimed at training and developing technology workers. 

Every year, there are various tech events such as the Africa Tech Summit and GeekCon Africa in Johannesburg that connect investors and entrepreneurs and help them stay up to date on the latest trends in the tech world.

Johannesburg is a good destination for tech companies and startups, with an affordable cost of living and a strong entrepreneurial culture. 

If you are looking for an IT provider in this city, there are about 99 companies on the TechBehemoths platform. Explore their profiles, services they offer, prices, portfolios, and reviews. To make your search easier, use the filter or submit your project and we will find the company that suits your needs. It's free and there's no obligation to hire.