There are 19 Companies in Denmark
that provide Pay Per Click Services!

According to the European Commission’s annual ranking, Denmark is one of the most digitized economies and societies among the 28 EU member states (2020). This is a testament to Denmark’s outstanding IT infrastructure and tech-savvy population

Discover Top IT Companies in Denmark specialized in Pay Per Click including Google Ads, Yahoo ads, Bing ads, YouTube ads, Amazon ads and more.

Pay-Per-Click or PPC, is a type of digital advertising where the advertiser pays each time a user clicks on their ads. The most popular channels for PPC advertising are search engines.

The advertisers usually bid (set up a maximum price per click) on a specific list of keywords and their ads appear on top of organic search results, labeled as “Sponsored” or “Ad”. Users search for these keywords, click on advertisers’ ads and land on their websites.

PPC is a fast way to generate traffic and eventually leads/sales to your business if done right. It implies advanced knowledge of PPC ad platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Amazon Ads, LinkedIn Ads and many more.

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Explore Top Pay Per Click Companies in Denmark

We found 19 companies. Last updated in: September, 2024

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The IT Industry in Denmark: Country Profile & Overview

According to the European Commission’s annual ranking, Denmark is one of the most digitized economies and societies among the 28 EU member states (2020). This is a testament to Denmark’s outstanding IT infrastructure and tech-savvy population.

85% of Danish citizens are online and actively engaged in the use of a variety of online services, making their digital skills highly advanced. In fact, all communications between citizens and public authorities take place digitally.

It is fair to say that Denmark has set some heavy footprints in the global software development arena. A number of the most used programming languages have been developed by Danish researchers, including C++, TurboPascal, and Visual Prolog. Denmark is also home to world-class software development talent - especially within the fields of security and cryptography, algorithms, AI/ML, wireless network solutions, eGovernment solutions, acoustics software, and robotics. 

Since Denmark is a small, highly integrated, and homogenous society, consumers often play an active role in developing new technology and are quick at adopting new technologies. Using Denmark as a test market gives international corporations the advantage of being able to quickly adjust and improve a product at low costs before releasing it on the world market.

Why working with Danish IT companies

There are more reasons why working with Danish IT companies is worthwhile - Abundant tech professionals, highly qualified workers, the ease of doing business, access to a rich and innovative market are just a few to mention. 

But let’s take a look closer: Denmark is not the country that faces a workforce shortage in the IT industry. More and more professionals are attracted to work in this industry. What attracts them to work - higher wages, public sector digitalization, and government facilities combined with 6 hours of work/day, and an attractive social system. 

The ease of doing business - according to the 2020 report, Denmark ranked 4th in the world. That’s lower bureaucracy, services digitalization, and a healthy business environment overall. 

Highly qualified workers come from tech universities that look more attractive to youngsters than other specialities. And at last - all these lead to an innovative market to which the lucky ones have access. 

What to pay attention to when working with Danish IT companies

With all the facilities and benefits Danish companies come with, there must be a price. Sure - it’s the money clients pay for the comfort of doing business. Business owners usually pay 15-20% more for digital projects on average, when working with Danish IT companies, compared to the EU average. And that’s probably the only thing that could retain from working with a Danish IT company.

How reliable are Danish companies

Reliability and reputation for Danish IT companies and software agencies are very important. But everything comes from the system’s conditions: The less the government pressure, the better the services and the business. A very simple deduction that reveals a part of the truth - Danish companies are reliable because of the policies. 

Another part of the story is about tradition. While building its own public sector as a digital sector where there is no need to interact physically with authorities, the Danish digital agencies took over the best practices from countries in the neighborhood. Germany and Sweden have two quite different business models, and the best of both can be found in Denmark.  Now, coming back to traditions, Denmark managed to build its own business culture that is distinctive and pleasant at the same time.

What is Pay Per Click and what are its benefits for your projects?

Pay-Per-Click or PPC, is a type of digital advertising where the advertiser pays each time a user clicks on their ads. The most popular channels for PPC advertising are search engines.

The advertisers usually bid (set up a maximum price per click) on a specific list of keywords and their ads appear on top of organic search results, labeled as “Sponsored” or “Ad”. Users search for these keywords, click on advertisers’ ads and land on their websites.

PPC is a fast way to generate traffic and eventually leads/sales to your business if done right. It implies advanced knowledge of PPC ad platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Amazon Ads, LinkedIn Ads and many more.

According to the comprehensive survey on online marketing channels conducted by TechBehemoths, about 33% of IT companies don’t use PPC to advertise their businesses. This might be a lost opportunity to generate leads at a reasonable price (depending on the industry, market, competition, etc.).

PPC can help grow your business in multiple ways. Here are some advantages:

  • Relatively easy to setup and launch
  • Instant traffic
  • Brand awareness
  • Fast results (leads, sales)
  • Cost effective (depends on multiple factors)
  • Advanced targeting
  • Can be tracked very accurately
  • Precise control over your budget

Finding the best PPC agency for your business needs can be a challenging task. That’s why, we recommend you to define your goals in advance and keep in mind the following criteria when choosing a company to work with:

  • Experience - do they have experience in your market, language, etc.?)
  • Portfolio - browse their portfolio and ask for more info
  • Price - what’s their pricing model - % of ad spend, flat free, management fee, other?
  • Turnover time - PPC analytics and data is usually available within a few hours/days
  • Communication and reporting - what’s the preferred communication channel and what reports are provided

There are more than 9,880 companies providing PPC services listed on TechBehemoths. Use the advanced filter to choose the ones that fit your project requirements. Get in touch with the agencies and collaborate with them at no extra cost.