There are 2 Companies in Lithuania
that provide Affiliate Marketing Services!

Lithuania's ICT sector is evolving, full steam ahead. An increasing number of companies have arrived in the country, drawn by its infrastructure, people, and business-friendly mindset. With some of the fastest and most affordable internet connections in Europe and a tech-savvy population ranking 16th in the world for ICT skills, Lithuania has recently attracted giants such as Google

Discover Top IT Companies in Lithuania specialized in Affiliate Marketing including Affiliate Program Management, Affiliate Support, Tracking and Analysis, Affiliate Strategy Optimization and more.

Affiliate Marketing is an advertising scheme where the affiliate (the party that promotes a service or product of a specific brand) gets a commission for every successful lead or sales he generates for that brand.

There are different types of affiliate networks with various commission rates (ranging from a few % to 50% or even more). Users can join affiliate programs via 3rd party affiliate networks or directly on the brands’ websites, which have their in-house affiliate systems.

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Explore Top Affiliate Marketing Companies in Lithuania

We found 2 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024

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The ICT in Lithuania: Overview and Companies Data

In the past 10 years, Lithuania developed its IT industry and infrastructure. Projects like e-Lithuania, e-residency, and VR Lithuania among others, transformed the country into a fully digitalized hub in the Baltic region. 

The IT sector itself plays an important role in the Lithuanian economy, registering a 739 millions Euros turnover in 2020. Also, ~4.0% of the entire Lithuanian workforce is enrolled in the IT industry, for those 4200+ digital companies that export their services in 130 countries. 

Why working with Lithuanian IT companies

Essential e-solutions in Lithuania that enable the digital society to function smoothly were all built by local Lithuanian companies. This enhances the reliability of Lithuanian IT companies not only locally but also worldwide - about this we will relate a bit later. 

The already built digital system in Lithuania, already tells a lot about Lithuanian IT companies that perform excellently, and are becoming more and more attractive not only for companies but also for skilled professionals that are enjoying preferential conditions. 

So, after all, why you should work with Lithuanian IT companies?! 

  • Skilled workers - that provide high-level digital services

  • Open market - that facilitate and ease the access to IT resources and companies services

  • Low taxes - compared with other European countries, Lithuania helps local IT and tech companies generate sales, by cutting taxes - which can reflect a lower price/project for the end customer

  • Healthy business environment  - a well-established communication between businesses is assured 

What you should pay attention to when working with Lithuanian IT companies

However, working with Lithuanian IT companies can be also tricky. Even though the post soviet reminiscences are not visible, you still can hit Russian Lithuanians that are providing the same IT services, but on a relatively lower quality, and in a very specific manner. Roughly, some of the companies are only benefiting from the developed IT environment in Lithuania, but don’t follow the same guidelines as the wide majority of companies do. 

Another challenge is the limited human resources that Lithuanian companies can have. The country’s population is just above 3 million people and 6% of it is simply not enough to cover all market demands, so possibly it would be difficult to find an available IT company based in Lithuania to take a big project or so. 

How developed is Lithuanian IT Infrastructure

Lithuania ranks among the top European countries with the highest IT infrastructure. As mentioned previously, its digital transformation made the country one of the regional leaders in innovation. But even so, the country is still not done yet with developing its IT capabilities. 

How does the Lithuanian IT industry perform compared to the neighboring countries?

In the Baltics, Lithuania is a detached leader in IT. Latvia and Estonia are behind simply because they focused on developing other sectors. But the Lithuanian performance is also motivated by people’s attachment to digital technologies.  The continuously growing number of digital agencies confirms once again that Lithuania ranks better than neighboring countries. 

But speaking about Lithuania as an extension to Europe’s northern region, the country is in tight competition with Latvia and Estonia, which also find themselves somewhere in the first half of the European IT community. 

Compared with those two countries, Lithuanian companies will rather provide lower prices for their IT and digital services and products, but at the same time, Lithuania has way more limited resources than Estonia or Finland. 

All in all, Lithuania is a great country to consider for digital projects, and local companies' rich experience with digital transformation can make a difference in their projects. 

Lithuania's Tech in 2022 - Update

Considering the progress Lithuania made throughout the last 3 years, is no wonder that 2022 will be another good period for the ICT and especially local IT companies. Lithuania is abundant with news and tech-related events meant to  encourage startups and entrepreneurship. As a direct result of continuous efforts invested in ICT, Lithuania got the #10 global position in FinTech and has over 42K ICT specialists employed in the tech sector as of December 2021. With this speed, Lithuania is estimated to become more than just a competitive country in the region. 

What is Affiliate Marketing and what are its benefits for your projects?

Affiliate Marketing is an advertising scheme where the affiliate (the party that promotes a service or product of a specific brand) gets a commission for every successful lead or sales he generates for that brand.

There are different types of affiliate networks with various commission rates (ranging from a few % to 50% or even more). Users can join affiliate programs via 3rd party affiliate networks or directly on the brands’ websites, which have their in-house affiliate systems.

Online businesses that have affiliate programs usually get about 10 - 30% of their revenue via affiliate marketing. This means that this is an important marketing channel to consider for your business growth.

IT service providers usually don’t use affiliate marketing to promote their services. Around 81% of interviewed IT companies don’t use any kind of affiliate marketing, according to the latest TechBehemoths survey.

At the same time, digital agencies can help your business set up, launch and expand your affiliate marketing program. Their knowledge, expertise and professionals can help you build a new revenue stream via affiliate marketing.

Here are some advantages of having an affiliate program:

  • Increases your brand awareness
  • Generates leads and sales
  • No need to hire employees
  • Affiliates do the advertising job for your business
  • Affiliates’ revenue is based on their performance
  • Can be automated and run autonomously
  • Is generally a low risk investment

Here are some things to look for, before hiring a digital agency which provides affiliate marketing services:

  • Expertise
  • Technical knowledge
  • Skilful team
  • Price range
  • Portfolio
  • Approach & techniques
  • Communication & reporting
  • Customer reviews

There are more than 790 affiliate marketing service providers listed on TechBehemoths. The web agencies are from all over the world provide a wide set of digital marketing services, including branding, advertising, pay per click, SEO and more.

To ease the selection process, we’ve created a powerful filter which you can use to choose the right companies based on your project requirements. Browse their profiles  and contact them for possible collaborations. The service is free and there is no obligation to hire!