There are 3 Companies in Guatemala
that provide IT Managed Services!

Guatemala is the home of over 7 million people and no access to oceans or seas. Not that this counts so much for the IT, but still it could attract at least visitors. By far, the country’s main industries do not include tech or IT, but, this doesn’t mean that the other industries are not using technology or software to ease the burden of processing goods

Discover Top IT Companies in Guatemala specialized in IT Managed including Hosting and cloud, Network, Security, Hardware and more.

IT Managed Services are like having your very own team of tech wizards who take care of all your IT needs and keep your business running smoothly. Instead of handling everything on your own, you can outsource your IT tasks to a specialized company, allowing you to focus on your core business without worrying about technical headaches.
These services include a wide range of IT support and management tasks, such as network monitoring, data backup, cybersecurity, software updates, and help desk support. In other words, IT Managed Services is like having a reliable and proactive team of experts who prevent IT problems before they even happen!

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We found 3 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024

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The ICT in Guatemala: Overview and Companies Data

Guatemala is the home of over 7 million people and no access to oceans or seas. Not that this counts so much for the IT, but still it could attract at least visitors. By far, the country’s main industries do not include tech or IT, but, this doesn’t mean that the other industries are not using technology or software to ease the burden of processing goods.

Guatemala is mostly an agricultural country, with a long tradition of soybeans cultivation - now the 2nd largest exporter in the world of the same soybeans. However, Agrotech is what makes other industries closer to the digital revolution, the countries around have already approached and adopted. 

So, if there is not much to talk about IT, why you should work with Guatemalan IT companies?

Why Working with Guatemalan IT companies

First, the not-many IT companies and software agencies that exist in Guatemala, are mostly focused on BPO. With the government that struggles to support the digitalization of other industries, these companies, and especially the experience of the workforce are extremely valuable for the country. 

The tax rates for all companies have been for a long time now only at 10%. This means that the low prices the IT companies ask for can be even lower due to this reason. Of course, in the neighborhood, you can see already a lot of digital parks and communities where the IT sector is spared from paying taxes, but for the country’s economy - 10% is good enough. 

What you should be aware of when working with Guatemalan IT companies

With all the advantages and disadvantages, even if you choose to work with Guatemalan IT companies, there are several things you should consider. 

First of all, it’s about language barriers. You may meet many tech workers, skilled professionals, project managers working for local companies that may have several issues with talking in other languages than Spanish. In other words, English may be a challenging option for communication. 

Time differences - Consider the time zones you and the partner IT company are located in. It may be challenging as well to sync the work process and establish effective cooperation, while both of you are in different parts of the globe. 

Professionalism - like in any other country, there are companies that perform well, better, and the best. You can meet all of them in Guatemala. However, finding the best one requires paying attention to several key points such as experience, number of employees, portfolio, hourly rates, and several others. 

How reliable are Guatemalan IT companies

In terms of reliability, Guatemala doesn’t rank in any way. It may vary from company to company and project to project since there is no standard for the country’s profile. We suggest studying each company individually and check the reviews for detailed information about this one. 

How does the Guatemalan IT industry relate to the neighboring countries?

Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina have some of the most developed IT industries in LatAm. This means that the entire region can and could impact Guatemala’s IT infrastructure and local companies’ performance overall.  However, Guatemala never focused too much on developing the IT industry and remains to be an Agricultural country. In the long-term perspective, Guatemala could reach a certain level of development that would attract the client’s attention to the country from another point of view. But so far, the country’s IT industry serves as a BPO, and in the near future is much likely to remain in this position.

What is IT Managed and what are its benefits for your projects?

IT Managed Services are like having your very own team of tech wizards who take care of all your IT needs and keep your business running smoothly. Instead of handling everything on your own, you can outsource your IT tasks to a specialized company, allowing you to focus on your core business without worrying about technical headaches.

These services include a wide range of IT support and management tasks, such as network monitoring, data backup, cybersecurity, software updates, and help desk support. In other words, IT Managed Services is like having a reliable and proactive team of experts who prevent IT problems before they even happen!

Companies offering IT Managed Services use a variety of advanced tools and technologies to keep your IT infrastructure in top shape. They have monitoring software that keeps an eye on your network 24/7, detecting any potential issues and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

They use cloud-based solutions for data backup and storage, keeping your valuable information safe and accessible from anywhere. Additionally, they deploy cybersecurity tools to protect your business from threats like viruses and hackers.

When your company needs IT Managed Services, you have a few options to choose from:

  • IT Service Providers: Specialized IT companies that focus on providing managed services and support.
  • Managed Service Providers (MSPs): These companies are experts in handling all aspects of IT management, offering comprehensive solutions.
  • Digital Agencies: Some digital agencies also offer IT Managed Services as part of their technology solutions.

Taking IT Managed Services from a specialized IT company or digital agency comes with several benefits for businesses:

  • Peace of Mind: With a dedicated team handling your IT, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about technical issues.
  • Proactive Support: IT Managed Service providers are proactive in identifying and resolving potential problems before they disrupt your operations.
  • Cost-Effective: Outsourcing your IT needs can be more cost-effective than hiring and training an in-house IT team.

To choose the best IT Managed Service provider for your project, consider the following criteria:

  • Expertise: Look for a provider with a strong track record in providing managed services and supporting businesses like yours.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Ensure the provider offers clear SLAs that outline their response times and resolution commitments.
  • Scalability: Choose a provider that can scale their services as your business grows.

TechBehemoths is an excellent resource for finding IT Managed Service companies. With over 1646 companies listed on the platform providing IT Managed Services across 43+ countries, you can easily find a suitable provider for your business needs.

The platform offers detailed company profiles, client reviews, and ratings, helping you make an informed decision. simplifies the process of finding a reliable and trustworthy IT Managed Service partner for your business.