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Last updated in: July, 2024
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Islamabad: Pakistan's Blossoming Tech Capital

Islamabad - the capital of Pakistan, is one of the most beautiful cities in the South Asian region.   

It is known for its parks and forests and is considered to be the top city in Pakistan for technology startups. Indeed it is - as it hosts several successful startups, such as Airlift, Bykea, and, and also a number of tech incubators and accelerators, which provide support to early-stage startups. Among the most well-known incubators are the National Incubation Center (NIC) and the Founder Institute.

Islamabad is modern and well-designed with a young and educated population. There are good universities in the city including Quaid-i-Azam University and NUST University of Engineering and Technology.

The government is supporting the growing tech industry by launching initiatives such as the National Technology Ignition Fund to provide them with funding, mentoring, and other resources. The Pakistani government also announced plans to auction 5G spectrum services in the country to accelerate the deployment of 5G networks to further boost the country's technology industry.

A number of technology events and conferences are held throughout the year in Islamabad. These events bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and technology workers from Pakistan and around the world. So, as we see Islamabad is a great place to work in the tech industry.

There are more than 103 IT companies listed on Techbegemoths in Islamabad. If you are looking for an IT provider, we invite you to explore their business profiles, portfolios, and reviews and choose the one that suits you best.

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