There are 2 Companies in Jordan
that provide Translation Services!

A pillar of the Jordanian economy, the ICT sector has been the center of attention for decades as efforts are continuously underway to capitalize on the country’s position as a major ICT player and solutions exporter.

Discover Top IT Companies in Jordan specialized in Translation services for multiple languages like: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Spanish and more.

Translation service is about converting written or spoken content from one language to another. This way language barriers are broken down and information is shared across different countries. Translation services, therefore, build a linguistic bridge that connects people from different cultures and backgrounds.

The most widely spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese, followed by Spanish and English. However, English is the most common language for online content.
The most commonly translated languages are Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, French, German, and Korean.

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Explore Top Translation Companies in Jordan

We found 2 companies. Last updated in: September, 2024

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ICT Industry in Jordan: General Profile

A pillar of the Jordanian economy, the ICT sector has been the center of attention for decades as efforts are continuously underway to capitalize on the country’s position as a major ICT player and solutions exporter. 

With a GDP contribution worth around 12 percent, the ICT sector has witnessed significant growth over the years. In 2015, IT revenues grew to more than USD 600 million, while the telecom sector’s total revenues reached more than USD 1.35 billion.

Why working with Jordan IT companies?

Jordanian IT companies are considered key regional players offering some of the most skilled professionals at the disposal of local and international markets.  According to the Oxford Business Group report in 2019, Jordanian IT companies provide digital services and solutions by implementing successfully the latest technologies due to an increasing and fast adaptable young professionals enrolled in the IT industry. 

What to pay attention to when working with Jordanian IT companies

Due to the low cost of IT professionals, Jordanian IT companies face challenges in financing and implementing high-tech solutions in the business sector. This leads to underdeveloped business culture and environment which may be a challenge for foreign clients when working with Jordanian IT companies. 

Additionally, another challenge for Jordanian IT companies is the tax burden which keeps the development and investment rate away from the technological boom, which was expected to start at the beginning of 2017. 

How reliable are Jordanian IT companies

Compared to the regional players, Jordanian IT companies have a balanced image in the global market. Due to the military and political instabilities, many foreign investors and clients rather prefer to work with companies from neighboring countries, where they can rely on relatively moderate stability. 

How does the Jordanian IT industry relate to the neighboring countries?

The progress registered by Jordan in developing the IT industry is impressive and has shown results by attracting a number of tech giants to open representatives and offices in the country. However, this was not enough to be competitive in the region, having as leaders the Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia was in front of the list. 

Despite rising regional competition and slower domestic economic growth and a tough regulatory environment, ICT remains one of the kingdom’s greatest strengths, and its ongoing expansion remains high on the list of government priorities. With a history of forward-thinking tech and telecom development, Jordan is well-positioned to continue capitalizing on its bright population. The sector’s long-term growth prospects, buoyed by private-sector ambitions and strong government leadership, should see its recovery continue in 2020 and beyond.

What is Translation and what are its benefits for your projects?

Translation service is about converting written or spoken content from one language to another. This way language barriers are broken down and information is shared across different countries. Translation services, therefore, build a linguistic bridge that connects people from different cultures and backgrounds.

The most widely spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese, followed by Spanish and English. However, English is the most common language for online content.

The most commonly translated languages are Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, French, German, and Korean

Translation services can help with all kinds of things. 

They can translate:

  • Documents
  • Websites
  • Software 
  • Video games
  • Mobile apps and more. 

Translation services are important because make it possible:

  • For businesses to expand internationally increasing customer engagement and revenue potential
  • For people to have access to information in their own language
  • For cultures to exchange and preserve their stories and art.

Translation plays an important role in legal matters, ensuring accurate translation of contracts, and legal documents, and compliance with language requirements in different jurisdictions.

  1. When you have to choose a translation company, it's important to consider a few things:
  2. Look for a company that has experience in your industry or subject. 
  3. Make sure they have a process for checking the quality of their translations. 
  4. Check that they keep your information confidential and secure. 
  5. Ask about the technology they use to make the translations.
  6. Read reviews and check what other people say about the company and its services
  7. And finally, compare prices and delivery times, but remember that quality is more important than getting the cheapest option.

By keeping all these things in mind, you can find easier a translation company that meets your needs and will help you to understand and be understood in different languages.

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