There are 109 Companies in Tokyo
that cover 81 Services & Industries!

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Featured Companies in Tokyo

This month, the following companies managed to provide an outstanding service and support. It's worth taking a look.

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We found 109 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024
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Newwave Solutions Japan多くの言語と多様な開発プラットフォームを適用するウェブサイトシステム、モバイルアプリケーションデザイン、ゲームデザインなどの柔軟な開発において豊富な経験を持っています。ブロックチェーンやAIなどの先端技術の開発も行っています。

Team size 250-999
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $250+/h

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The ICT in Tokyo - Industry Overview


The city is known for its modern technology in a variety of fields including robotics, artificial intelligence, and electronics. Here, you can see self-driving taxis and buses in action or experiments with new ways to use drones and robots to deliver goods and services.

In this connection, it is worth mentioning that Tokyo is home to the most advanced robots in the world, and to the world's leading AI research labs. As well as it is a major center for the development and manufacturing of smartphones, laptops, and TVs. 

Brands like Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, and Fujitsu have their headquarters in the city.

Top Universities and research institutions such as the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and RIKEN are located also in Tokyo.

The city hosts various tech events and conferences, examples would be CEATEC and Tokyo Game Show which attract experts from around the world by showcasing the latest advancements in technology and gaming. 

The truth is that Tokyo is a major player in the global gaming industry, with companies like Nintendo, Capcom, and Square Enix headquartered in the city. There is an entire district, famous for gaming and electronic enthusiasts - Akihabara, known as "Electric Town". It is a destination for fans of anime, manga, and video games.

Tokyo is also known for its excellent internet connectivity, high-speed broadband, and 5G networks. This infrastructure supports the development of IoT applications, smart devices, and digital services.

Simply put, Tokyo is more than just a city—it's a buzzing center where technology and culture come together.

If you are looking for an IT provider from this city, there are a lot of companies in Tokyo on the TechBehemoths platform. Explore their profiles and choose the one that suits you. To narrow down your list, you can use the filter. No obligation to hire anyone, absolutely free!