There are 65 Companies in Sharjah
that cover 86 Services & Industries!

Sharjah is also one of the largest tech hubs in the Emirates with an increasing number of IT companies located there. Along Dubai and Abu Dhabi, it is a competing and constantly growing tech hub in the UAE

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We found 65 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024
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Tech Industry in Sharjah: Research & Data

Sharjah is also one of the largest tech hubs in the Emirates with an increasing number of IT companies located there. Out of 150+ known companies, 25+ are also registered on TechBehemoths and are focused mainly on web design, development, and application management. 

One of the biggest stimulants the city received in the field of IT, is the local IT park - Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park that gathers all professional resources in this field. Its main priority is to increase the added value of local IT companies and web agencies and facilitate the digital transformation of the city as a whole, and of each company individually. 

Yet the city’s profile is far from being digital and focused totally on this sector. The IT sector is used more to develop other important fields and industries in the city and city area - fields that produce and attract more investments than the IT sector itself. On the other hand, the impact of IT companies and web agencies cannot be underestimated since it plays a vital role in digital transformation and the business environment. 

At this moment, there is no data about the average salary an IT professional gets in Sharjah, but based on our estimations it should be higher than $35K/year. The same statement is available for the number of incubators, accelerators, and startup programs in the city. However, there are 11 top accelerators in UAE that are probably funding and growing young businesses including in Sharjah. Among the most notable we can count Plug and Play FinTech Accelerator, FasterCapital, Middle East Venture Capital, and others. 

Based on the analysis of IT companies in Sharjah that are also registered on TechBehemoths, we can say that they definitely have a high potential to become top digital agencies and IT companies in UAE, and also in the region.