There are 98 Companies in Scottsdale
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We found 98 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024
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Scottsdale from a tech perspective - a Techbehemoths overview


Scottsdale is a desert city in Arizona, famous for its luxury spas, golf courses, and luxury boutiques with an estimated population of 248,000 people. It is also known as an emerging tech city that has attracted startups such as YellowBird, Emerge, and Parado as well as established companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google in recent years.

According to a recent report by York-IE, Scottsdale was the fastest-growing startup city in the fourth quarter of 2021. The report found that Scottsdale companies received a total of $78.5 billion in funding in that quarter, which is more than any other city in the country.

One of the largest universities in the country is located in the city - Arizona State University. As such, Scottsdale has a growing population of highly skilled software engineers, programmers, and systems analysts. A business-friendly environment and a number of meetups and events for tech professionals, like the Scottsdale Tech Meetup and the Arizona Blockchain Meetup, provide an opportunity for tech companies to collaborate and grow. 

The city is also a member of the Connective Smart Region Consortium. Smart City Initiative, combines traditional infrastructure such as roads and buildings with technology to enrich people's lives. Overall, Scottsdale has a lot to offer and if you are looking for an IT provider from this destination, TechBehemoths is the right place to find it. 

There are over 97 tech companies from Scottsdale on the platform, offering a wide range of services such as software development, mobile app development, cloud consulting, and app testing. Finding the right partner can be challenging indeed, but TechBehemoths' advanced filter makes it easy. You can narrow down the results and shortlist companies based on your project requirements.

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