There are 114 Companies in San Antonio
that cover 86 Services & Industries!

San Antonio seems that it has always been overshadowed by Austin when it comes to tech development and IT hubs. Despite the continuous growth in the past decades, the city is still far behind the regional leaders that managed to attract more market share, including companies, talents, and clients. 

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We found 114 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024
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The Tech Market in San Antonio: Company Profiles & Data

San Antonio seems that it has always been overshadowed by Austin when it comes to tech development and IT hubs. Despite the continuous growth in the past decades, the city is still far behind the regional leaders that managed to attract more market share, including companies, talents, and clients. 

However, it still has the chance to expand its capabilities and provide higher quality life and more tech jobs in the digital era. If it continues the way it started, experts think that it could surpass Dallas and Austin in the regional tech battle. 

At this point, San Antonio can be a challenge in some sectors for other, probably more developed cities in the area.  Internet infrastructure, biotechnology, and cybersecurity have known continuous growth in 2019 and managed to make the city a healthy alternative for skilled tech workers and companies to the detriment of larger tech hubs.

In contrast, San Antonio lost around 1000 tech workers in 2019, falling from 31000, down to 30000 people enrolled in this field, according to CBRE 2019 report. It is right now #47 in tech employment in the US. 

Based on the latest statistics, the average wage in the tech sector in San Antonio is estimated to $99,000/year, which registers as well a drop from 2017, when it reached $103K+/year. Since fewer startups are going to the city, lower budgets are invested in the region, and as well, fewer jobs are offered. Additionally, the number of companies that consider relocating from San Antonio to other places is growing, and this decreases the chances of local communities to retain new companies. 

On the other hand, San Antonio has a well-developed IT infrastructure, and strong community support for this field, which makes it a great destination for businesses from other industries. On their turn, these businesses may create a demand for tech services in the future and help San Antonio’s tech industry develop and become a regional leader and large tech hub for both local and international companies

As of August 2023, there are more than 140 IT companies from San Antonio registered on TechBehemoths