There are 42 Companies in Dhaka
that provide PR Services!

Discover Top IT Companies in Dhaka specialized in PR including Corporate communications, Crisis communications, Investor relations, Public affairs and more.

PR is the abbreviation used for Public Relations, which is the process of sharing the info from a business to the public. It includes the distribution of news, updates, educational resources and other info on different media channels - TV, radio, social media, websites, etc.

Businesses from different industries like healthcare, food, apparel, tourism, retail and other, use PR to expand their visibility and reach their audiences more effectively.

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Explore Top PR Companies in Dhaka

We found 42 companies. Last updated in: September, 2024

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ICT Industry in Dhaka: A TechBehemoths Research

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh started its journey in the IT industry back in the 1990s, at the same time with the BPO boom in the region and since then, the city has started to relaunch its economy and refocus on the IT sector more than on any other industries.  At the same time, Bangladesh has founded an association that is in charge of the IT BPO processes and creates a window for all other IT companies in the city that are able and willing to export their services in the west. 

Even if Dhaka is somehow shadowed by many Indian cities in terms of IT services, when it comes to IT infrastructure things are better, and Dhaka - the leading city of Bangladesh is one of the largest software exporters in the region. 

On top of that, Dhaka’s human resources are considered one of the largest in the world, with high development potential. Over 45% of its population are youngsters under 25, which under a proper education and training can become talented developers, designers, marketers, and overall highly qualified IT professionals. 

Another important fact about Dhaka companies is the pricing for IT & software services. So, from the top 250 IT locations in the world, Dhaka is relatively cheap compared to the neighboring competitive cities. According to a study published by Everest Group operative costs in Dhaka are 16 to 20% cheaper than in Bangalore, India,  and 30% cheaper than in Cebu, Philippines. This makes Dhaka a potential leading city in attracting investments into the BPO industry. 

When it comes to the salary range in Dhaka, the average base pay of a Java Developer is estimated to be 3505 Euros/Year.  Compared to Bangalore ( 5500 Eur/year) and Cebu ( 6670 Eur/year), Dhaka developers are cheaper, but not less professional, since the IT and software development studies are in top preferences of youngsters, which receive a relatively good education in the system. 

Dhaka has also a number of accelerators, incubators, partnership programs, and associations in the IT industry, that are meant to consolidate the position of companies regionally and stimulate their development.  Ygap, F6S, YSI Bangladesh, and Startup Dhaka are only a few to name among the top such programs located there. 

All in all, Dhaka is a continuously growing city that has high regional potential that could become in the long run a competitive tech hub. It all depends on investments, government, and innovation

What is PR and what are its benefits for your projects?

PR is the abbreviation used for Public Relations, which is the process of sharing the info from a business to the public. It includes the distribution of news, updates, educational resources and other info on different media channels - TV, radio, social media, websites, etc.

Businesses from different industries like healthcare, food, apparel, tourism, retail and other, use PR to expand their visibility and reach their audiences more effectively. 

Managing the PR in-house is not a complex task for a small business. However, if you want to keep a positive brand reputation over time, you would need help from professionals. They have the required expertise and tools (media databases, monitoring and reporting software and more).

PR is still a good long term marketing strategy. It has multiple benefits:

  • Brand awareness

  • Credibility and reputation

  • Audience reach

  • Mass communication

  • Attracts leads

  • Assists other marketing channels

The global PR market is growing by around 6% (compared to last year) and is currently worth more than $100 Billion, source. This means that the market is healthy and thriving, so there are plenty of service providers to choose from. 

When looking for the right PR agency for your business needs you should keep in mind some the following aspects of their previous experience:

  • Expertise

  • Location

  • Portfolio 

  • Price

  • Turnover time 

  • Communication and reporting

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