There are 1 Companies in Austria
that provide Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting Services!

Austria is considered one of the fastest-growing economies of Europe and additionally has a long history and rich tradition in the culture of trading. However, if one century ago Austria had the ”Golden Apple” of Europe - Vienna, now, in terms of the tech industry attracts considerably lower attention than its more developed and stronger sibling - Germany.

Discover Top IT Companies in Austria specialized in Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting to help your business succeed in dealing with supply chain and logistics challenges.

Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting is a service that helps companies to improve their logistics and supply chain operations. A team of experts manages all processes from designing strategies to moving, storing, and delivering goods or services from the point of origin to the final destination, ensuring that customers receive what they ordered.

These services are closely related to inventory optimization, transportation management, warehousing and distribution, procurement, risk management, and other ones that effectively manage supply chain processes.

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Explore Top Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting Companies in Austria

We found 1 company. Last updated in: July, 2024

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ICT Industry in Austria: General Profile and Insights

Austria is considered one of the fastest-growing economies of Europe and additionally has a long history and rich tradition in the culture of trading. However, if one century ago Austria had the ”Golden Apple” of Europe - Vienna, now, in terms of the tech industry attracts considerably lower attention than its more developed and stronger sibling - Germany.

According to payscale, the average salary of a web developer is around 3150 EUR/month, and this makes the average hourly rate of an Austrian developer of 25 EUR/hour. The numbers are really close to the EU average of 3200 EUR/month average wage in the sector, and 29 EUR/hour - hourly rate. 

Despite the relatively low prices to what we would have expected, Austria is driving the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector forward and has developed into a top location. Many large international corporations can be found here; however, Austrian companies are also among the top-ranking companies on the global ICT markets.

  • Why working with Austrian companies

Due to western European traditions and trends, Austria always implemented all EU directives and laws to the IT sector. This made it one of the most important destinations for companies from other countries, and especially the UK, after Brexit. 

However, the main reason why it’s worth working with Austrian IT companies is good and precise management along with average prices.

  • What to be aware of Austrian companies when working with

Based on a study performed by Red Herring the difference between Austrian Web Agencies and other western countries is in mentality. In Austria, everybody has another way of thinking than other western Europeans. Thinking in the typical western-European way means going to Germany or France. This type of mindset is incompatible with large-scale globalization processes that make connections more accessible, services more affordable, and products of a higher quality. Lately, the mentality has been changing, and young entrepreneurs and agencies are evolving and adapting their way of thinking and approach, both social and business. However, Austria’s ICT branch is still in a transition period.

  • Are Austrian companies reliable? 

In terms of reliability, Austrian-based agencies are among the most trustworthy from Europe, and globally. Precision, commitment, and transparency are three keywords that would describe Austrian web agencies. Good management and communication are also an in-house specialty, so basically, Austria is a clear location. 

  • How does Austria relate to its neighboring countries in terms of IT?

Its potential, geographically, is big: Vienna is the second-largest German-speaking city on earth, behind Berlin. The Vienna-Bratislava metropolitan region, which encompasses the Austrian and Slovak capitals, is home to over three million people. Prague, the Czech Republic’s tech-happy capital, is just a short train or flight away, as are Budapest, Zagreb, and several other central European hubs. Barely anything in Europe is over three hours away by air. All these are connecting Austria with the main European hubs and influences the ICT development in the region. 

Generally, Austria has great IT infrastructure and development potential. Adjusting the social aspect of the industry to the more advanced country in the region is just a matter of time. On the other hand, Austria is by far not the most experienced country in IT but shows positive results.

What is Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting and what are its benefits for your projects?

Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting is a service that helps companies to improve their logistics and supply chain operations. A team of experts manages all processes from designing strategies to moving, storing, and delivering goods or services from the point of origin to the final destination, ensuring that customers receive what they ordered.

These services are closely related to inventory optimization, transportation management, warehousing and distribution, procurement, risk management, and other ones that effectively manage supply chain processes.

Did you know that?!

In this context, the importance of the service is already obvious:

  • Increased efficiency

  • Reduced costs

  • Improved customer service

However, supply chains are complex and can also be difficult to manage effectively. That's why it's good to turn to a logistics & supply chain consulting company.

But choosing the right company is not very easy either.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a logistics and supply chain consulting company.

  1. First, make sure that the company has experience in your industry.
  2.  Second, ask about the company's methodology and how they will measure the success of their work. 
  3. Finally, make sure that you feel comfortable with the company's representatives and that you are confident that they can help you achieve your goals.
  4.  And of course, seek recommendations and check client testimonials.

There are more than 120 companies on the TechBehemoths platform that offer a wide variety of logistic and supply chain consulting services that will help to achieve significant improvements in your supply chain performance, achieve cost savings, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Explore their profiles and feel free to get in touch with them.

Alternatively, you can submit your project and our team will select and send you the best matching companies in about 1 hour. It’s free and there is no obligation to hire.