There are 110 Companies in Irvine
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We found 110 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024
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How Irvine's tech industry stands out in the US


Irvine is known as the “City of Innovation” and is located in southern Orange County.

Even though it is not a central tech hub, it is home to a wide variety of tech companies. From Fortune 500 giants to fast-growing startups, here are some of the most notable companies headquartered in the city: Anduril, Viant,, Cloudvirga, Acorns, Blizzard Entertainment, and more.

A large range of services such as software, hardware, networking, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence are provided by the city's tech companies. But one that is worth highlighting is the services from the med-tech industry. Did you know that Irvine is an important center for this tech industry, with 400 companies and 18,000 jobs in the sector?

Irvine also boasts 2 world-class universities, Chapman University and UC Irvine which is home to the Beall Center for Art and Technology, which promotes creative expressions of digital science.  Graduates from these universities in engineering, computer science, and other STEM fields are the city's technology professionals.

A number of tech meetups and conferences are organized in the city,  building a strong sense of community among tech workers in Irvine.

To sum up, this city really is a great place to live and work, with a high quality of life and a business-friendly government. If you are looking for an IT provider, you can definitely consider Irvine. 

There are many IT companies on the Techbehemoths platform in this city. We invite you to explore company profiles, portfolios, and customer reviews. To narrow the list, use the filter. Alternatively, you can submit your project and our team will find the best choice for you. It's free and there's no obligation to hire anyone.