There are 9 Companies in Lebanon
that provide AWS Development Services!

Lebanon aims to position itself as a strategic hub in the Middle East and North Africa by becoming one of the top-performing countries in the region in terms of datacom infrastructure and IT business environment.

Discover Top IT Companies in Lebanon specialized in AWS and other related services. Find the best IT service providers for your projects.

Companies offering AWS services are like technological partners for businesses. They leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS), a suite of powerful tools, to enhance business operations in the online realm.

These service providers excel at managing the technical aspects of businesses. They are experts at managing crucial tasks such as developing websites and applications, safeguarding valuable data, and ensuring seamless online operations.

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We found 9 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024

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The IT Industry in Lebanon: Companies, Insights & Data

Lebanon aims to position itself as a strategic hub in the Middle East and North Africa by becoming one of the top-performing countries in the region in terms of datacoms infrastructure and IT business environment. 

The results of the Lebanese Innovation Survey concerning ICTs indicate a very dynamic portion of the entrepreneurial activities, with strong export orientation, including Gulf countries, and rather young personnel indicates that the performance of the Lebanese ICT Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)s depends largely on their leader

Why you should work with Lebanon IT companies

Low prices and experienced professionals are the main reasons why Lebanon managed to attract direct foreign investments from international companies and organizations. Since the country has focused a lot on BPO services, it may be challenging for locals to establish their own IT and digital companies in a country with a poorly developed IT industry. 

At the same time,  Kaysar Daou from Leoceros relates that Lebanon has a highly educated and skilled workforce, including in the IT sector. The country also has a strategic location. Its potential lies within the talented and resilient minds that are enduring the toughest of challenges. And unfortunately for the Lebanese, but luckily for IT service seekers, the Lebanese workforce is considered cheaper than others due to the economic crisis. However, political instability and economic challenges, such as the lack of access to foreign currency and high inflation rates, may deter international IT companies from investing in the country.

What you should pay attention to when working with Lebanese IT companies

The Lebanese economy is often described as open and liberal with minimal state intervention. This was always considered as an advantage since the private sector has to survive and prosper despite the lack of assistance from the public sector. As indicated by Chakour, Lebanese people do not rely on the government to provide for their well-being. The Lebanese government’s actions are weak for the following two main reasons.

Disabled by those issues, the Lebanese state has a relatively weak capacity. Public actions in favor of research and innovation have been very timidly developed. There is no ministry in charge of national S&T policymaking in Lebanon or a clear national strategy for technology. The Lebanese ICT policy was limited in terms of government usage and priority. According to the World Economic Forum, Lebanon is ranked 135 out of 142 countries, in terms of government prioritization of ICT. In the same report, Lebanon was ranked 141 out of 142 in the importance of ICT to government vision and government procurement of advanced technologies.

In addition, when working with a local IT company from Lebanon, others should be aware of the potential challenges posed by the economic crisis and political instability in the country. Communication and transparency are key to managing expectations and ensuring the success of the project. Additionally, it is important to work with a reputable company that has a proven track record and strong references.

How reliable are Lebanese IT companies

In terms of reliability, Lebanese IT companies benefit from foreign companies’ reputations. 86% of all IT companies from Lebanon are multinational or international agencies and investors aiming to attract a low-cost and decent-quality workforce. 

The main investors in the Lebanon IT industry are French tech companies, which are extending their network and influence in North Africa and the Mediterranean regions.

How does the Lebanese IT industry relate to the region?

The ICT sector is recognized as a key driving force for Lebanon’s economy. It is a fast-growing sector with an estimated market size of USD 436.2 million in 2016. In 2013, the ICT sector contributed to 3% of Lebanon’s GDP. Furthermore, Lebanon is emerging as a leading exporter of software development and services in the region. Comparatively, to other Lebanese sectors, the software sector is distinguished by its dynamism, innovation, and its good capacity of identifying future technologies.

Overall, while Lebanon's IT industry may not be as large or developed as some of its neighbors, it has a strong reputation for innovation and creativity. However, the challenges posed by the economic and political climate in the country can make it difficult for companies to operate and grow.

How is the Business Environment in Lebanon?

According to Kaysar Daou from Leoceros, a leading IT company in Lebanon, The country is considered a small hub in the Middle East with a diverse economy, ranging from agriculture to services. However, the country has been facing economic and political challenges, including a major financial crisis, since 2019. This has led to high inflation rates, limited access to foreign currency, and a drop in purchasing power. The business environment in Lebanon is currently challenging, with many businesses struggling to survive.

In addition, Kaysar relates that based on his knowledge and experience, the business climate to open a new IT company as a local entrepreneur in Lebanon can be challenging due to the economic crisis and limited access to foreign currency. However, the highly skilled workforce and supportive ecosystem for startups can be advantages for local entrepreneurs.

The World Bank reported that Lebanon's GDP contracted by around 40% between 2017 and 2021, highlighting the severity of the economic downturn. Additionally, corruption, inadequate infrastructure, and a challenging regulatory environment further hampered business growth and investor confidence during this period. 

Beirut and Tripoli - named the best places in Lebanon for IT Businesses

Kaysar adds on this topic that two of the best cities for IT companies in Lebanon are Beirut and Tripoli. Beirut is the capital and largest city, with a vibrant startup ecosystem and access to a skilled workforce. Tripoli is the second-largest city and has been developing as a hub for IT companies, with a growing number of startups and a lower cost of living compared to Beirut.

Despite all, Lebanon's talent poll described as skilled and educated

The local talent pool in Lebanon is highly educated and skilled in various IT fields, including software development, graphic design, and digital marketing. Many young people are attracted to the IT industry due to its potential for innovation and entrepreneurship. However, the economic crisis has led to a brain drain, with many skilled professionals leaving the country in search of better opportunities.

This article was created together with prominent figures and professionals coming from reputable Lebanese IT companies. Special credits: Kaysar Daou

What is AWS and what are its benefits for your projects?

Companies offering AWS services are like technological partners for businesses. They leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS), a suite of powerful tools, to enhance business operations in the online realm.

These service providers excel at managing the technical aspects of businesses. They are experts at managing crucial tasks such as developing websites and applications, safeguarding valuable data, and ensuring seamless online operations.

When businesses face challenges in the digital domain, AWS service providers step in to offer solutions. Think of them as digital architects who construct websites, optimize online stores, and safeguard critical data. They prove invaluable to businesses seeking online expansion but lacking the technical know-how.

What sets AWS services apart is their diverse toolbox. They offer a wide range of services spanning storage, databases, artificial intelligence, and more. This diversity empowers businesses to build a robust and efficient online presence.

Remarkably, there are over 200 types of AWS services available. These services serve as building blocks that address various aspects of business operations. From data storage to data analysis, these services play a pivotal role in streamlining business processes.

In the realm of AWS services, service providers leverage intelligent tools to simplify technological complexities. They harness AWS's own resources for cloud storage, computational capabilities, and beyond. These experts specialize in utilizing these tools to resolve tech-related challenges, each often having their own specialization—be it optimizing website performance or ensuring data security.

In essence, companies offering AWS services are strategic collaborators, using Amazon's toolset to elevate businesses in the digital sphere. They skillfully create, optimize, and safeguard digital assets. AWS services encompass an extensive array of tools, each catering to different business needs. These adept partners utilize their expertise and tools to ensure seamless digital experiences, bolstering businesses in their online journey.

When selecting an AWS service provider for their needs, businesses should pay attention to the following five criteria:

  • Expertise and Specialization: Look for service providers with a proven track record of expertise in AWS services. Assess whether their specialization aligns with your specific requirements. A provider with experience in your industry or the services you need can offer tailored solutions and insights.

  • Certifications and Credentials: Ensure the provider holds relevant AWS certifications and credentials. These certifications validate their technical proficiency and knowledge of AWS best practices, assuring you that they are qualified to handle your business's technical needs effectively.

  • Service Flexibility and Scalability: Choose a provider that offers services that can adapt to your evolving business needs. Scalability is key, as your requirements may change over time. A provider capable of seamlessly adjusting resources and services as your business grows can save you future hassle.

  • Security and Compliance: Data security is paramount. Evaluate the provider's security measures, compliance standards, and data protection practices. They should be well-versed in AWS's security features and able to implement safeguards to protect your sensitive information.

  • Client References and Reviews: Investigate the provider's reputation through client references, case studies, and online reviews. Positive feedback from previous clients indicates reliability and client satisfaction. Additionally, reach out to their references to get firsthand insights into their experiences.