There are 9 Companies in Ireland
that provide AWS Development Services!

Ireland has an international reputation as a center of excellence in IT. Both multinationals and home-grown talent contribute to making technology one of the fastest-growing industries in the country.

Discover Top IT Companies in Ireland specialized in AWS and other related services. Find the best IT service providers for your projects.

Companies offering AWS services are like technological partners for businesses. They leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS), a suite of powerful tools, to enhance business operations in the online realm.

These service providers excel at managing the technical aspects of businesses. They are experts at managing crucial tasks such as developing websites and applications, safeguarding valuable data, and ensuring seamless online operations.

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Explore Top AWS Development Companies in Ireland

We found 9 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024

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ICT Industry in Ireland: General Profile and Insights

Ireland has an international reputation as a center of excellence in IT. Both multinationals and home-grown talent contribute to making technology one of the fastest-growing industries in the country.

This makes Ireland the second largest exporter of computer and IT services in the world, with over 97% of domestic products sold in international markets. The sector accounts for over €50 billion of exports from Ireland each year.

900 software firms across Ireland employ more than 24,000 people in the IT sector.

Eight of the top 10 global IT companies have established a significant presence here. Giants established in Ireland include Intel, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Linked In, Amazon, Airbnb, PayPal, eBay, and Twitter.

At the same time, Ireland has the largest concentration of Top 10 tech companies outside the US. It can be considered the European capital of ICT. All of the top Cloud providers have data centers in Dublin, making it the most data-centric capital outside the US

Why you should work with Irish IT companies?

A well-developed IT infrastructure in Ireland is a key factor for Irish web and software companies’ success in the international market. This, combined with balanced government policies and advanced business culture made Irish IT companies reliable and granted multiple investments and clients. 

After Brexit, even more, companies relocated to Ireland seeking a “digital shelter” that would help them to benefit from EU fiscal facilities and accessibility to the European market. In this way, many International IT companies that were established in the UK now can be found in Ireland.

Also, the IDA has incredible support for international companies coming to Ireland. The favorable corporate Tax regime of 12.5% has led to all the major players having a significant presence in Ireland.

What to pay attention to when working with Irish IT companies

Since all advantages come with challenges, Ireland is not an exception. The increasing number of IT companies in Ireland can rapidly bring market saturation and even a deficit in the workforce. The presence of tech giants in the local IT market has been seen from the start as a danger to the pure-Irish business tradition, but on the other hand, this brings 9 figure digits to the budget each year from taxes only. 

The challenge for Irish IT companies and web agencies, but also for their clients results in the need of sourcing out talents from other countries that do not always provide the same quality services and do not benefit from a similar tech education and experience as originally Irish professionals do. 

How reliable are Irish IT companies

The Irish IT companies enjoy a solid reputation on the international web and software market and a high level of trust from foreign companies. Due to the presence of tech giants in the local market, and a traditional business culture Irish companies have made themselves a name and become competitive on the global IT market. 

How does the Irish IT industry relate to the neighboring countries?

The Irish IT sector has performed strongly compared to neighboring countries. Ireland has positioned itself as a leading destination for technology companies and has experienced significant growth in its IT sector over the years.

Compared to neighboring countries like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, Ireland has been successful in attracting multinational tech companies, including major players such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, to establish their European headquarters or regional offices in the country. Dublin, in particular, has emerged as a prominent tech hub and has been dubbed the “Silicon Docks” due to the concentration of tech companies in the area.

Ireland's favorable business environment, low corporate tax rate, skilled workforce, and supportive government policies have contributed to its success in the IT sector. The country has invested in education and training programs to develop a highly skilled workforce in areas such as software development, data analytics, and cybersecurity.

Furthermore, Ireland's membership in the European Union provides access to a vast market and facilitates trade and collaboration with neighboring countries. The country's strong connections with the United States, particularly in the field of technology, have also been beneficial for its IT sector.

While other neighboring countries also have well-developed IT sectors, Ireland's focus on creating a favorable business environment, fostering innovation, and attracting international investment has helped it perform well in comparison. However, it is important to note that each country has its unique strengths and specialities in the IT sector, and competition and collaboration between these countries contribute to the overall growth and advancement of the industry in the region.

Dublin and Cork - The Best Places for IT in Ireland

According to Peter Lawless from 3R SEO Consultants Dublin, the best places for doing IT in Ireland are Dublin due to its booming Fibre infrastructure for Data centers and development and Cork as the site of Apple manufacturing. 

Dublin and Cork are ideal locations for IT business in Ireland due to their robust technological infrastructure, skilled workforce, established IT ecosystems, favorable business environment, market access, and high quality of life. These cities offer reliable internet connectivity, a talented pool of IT professionals, a thriving tech community, government support, access to global markets, and a great living environment. Dublin, as the capital, serves as a global tech hub, while Cork provides proximity to European markets and is growing as a tech and innovation center. Together, these factors create a conducive environment for IT companies to thrive in these cities.

What is AWS and what are its benefits for your projects?

Companies offering AWS services are like technological partners for businesses. They leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS), a suite of powerful tools, to enhance business operations in the online realm.

These service providers excel at managing the technical aspects of businesses. They are experts at managing crucial tasks such as developing websites and applications, safeguarding valuable data, and ensuring seamless online operations.

When businesses face challenges in the digital domain, AWS service providers step in to offer solutions. Think of them as digital architects who construct websites, optimize online stores, and safeguard critical data. They prove invaluable to businesses seeking online expansion but lacking the technical know-how.

What sets AWS services apart is their diverse toolbox. They offer a wide range of services spanning storage, databases, artificial intelligence, and more. This diversity empowers businesses to build a robust and efficient online presence.

Remarkably, there are over 200 types of AWS services available. These services serve as building blocks that address various aspects of business operations. From data storage to data analysis, these services play a pivotal role in streamlining business processes.

In the realm of AWS services, service providers leverage intelligent tools to simplify technological complexities. They harness AWS's own resources for cloud storage, computational capabilities, and beyond. These experts specialize in utilizing these tools to resolve tech-related challenges, each often having their own specialization—be it optimizing website performance or ensuring data security.

In essence, companies offering AWS services are strategic collaborators, using Amazon's toolset to elevate businesses in the digital sphere. They skillfully create, optimize, and safeguard digital assets. AWS services encompass an extensive array of tools, each catering to different business needs. These adept partners utilize their expertise and tools to ensure seamless digital experiences, bolstering businesses in their online journey.

When selecting an AWS service provider for their needs, businesses should pay attention to the following five criteria:

  • Expertise and Specialization: Look for service providers with a proven track record of expertise in AWS services. Assess whether their specialization aligns with your specific requirements. A provider with experience in your industry or the services you need can offer tailored solutions and insights.

  • Certifications and Credentials: Ensure the provider holds relevant AWS certifications and credentials. These certifications validate their technical proficiency and knowledge of AWS best practices, assuring you that they are qualified to handle your business's technical needs effectively.

  • Service Flexibility and Scalability: Choose a provider that offers services that can adapt to your evolving business needs. Scalability is key, as your requirements may change over time. A provider capable of seamlessly adjusting resources and services as your business grows can save you future hassle.

  • Security and Compliance: Data security is paramount. Evaluate the provider's security measures, compliance standards, and data protection practices. They should be well-versed in AWS's security features and able to implement safeguards to protect your sensitive information.

  • Client References and Reviews: Investigate the provider's reputation through client references, case studies, and online reviews. Positive feedback from previous clients indicates reliability and client satisfaction. Additionally, reach out to their references to get firsthand insights into their experiences.