There are 7 Companies in Nairobi
that provide Application Testing Services!

Discover Top IT Companies in Nairobi specialized in Application Testing including quality assurance, reporting, performance testing and more.

Application Testing is about testing software applications in order to determine any issues and fix them. It is an important step in the software development life cycle, which focus is to guarantee the quality, functionality, and reliability of applications on different platforms and devices.

There are more than 1,000 types of software testing methods, among which are black box testing, white box testing, grey box testing, functional testing, non-functional testing, performance testing, A/B testing, and more.

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This month, the following Application Testing companies managed to provide an outstanding service and support. It's worth taking a look.

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Explore Top Application Testing Companies in Nairobi

We found 7 companies. Last updated in: September, 2024

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The current developments in Nairobi's tech scene

Looking at the IT industry in Nairobi we can see by far the digitalization efforts done by Kenya in the last several years. 

One important aspect in this direction is the consistent growth of the number of startups, which, according to Statista have grown to 91 in 2022. 

While some call Nairobi the Silicon Savannah, the city still has a lot of room for growth in terms of digitalization and IT capabilities. The most recent case of a tech giant that hired the local workforce is OpenAI. According to Time Magazine the tech giant cleaned-up their AI tool of toxicity using Kenyans that provided their services for less than $2/hour. 

Nonetheless, the salary of a software developer in Nairobi starts at $458, and can go up to $1637, according to Glassdoor

Considring the salary range and the OpenAI case, Nairobi is attractive for international IT companies that seek for a cheap workforce to source out their Information and Technology activities in Africa. 
The list of notable companies located in Nairobi includes Asus, Cisco Systems, Intel, IBM and Huawei - according to Wikipedia data as of November 2023.

What is Application Testing and what are its benefits for your projects?

Application Testing is about testing software applications in order to determine any issues and fix them. It is an important step in the software development life cycle, which focus is to guarantee the quality, functionality, and reliability of applications on different platforms and devices.

There are more than 1,000 types of software testing methods, among which are black box testing, white box testing, grey box testing, functional testing, non-functional testing, performance testing, A/B testing, and more.

Why is application testing so important?

  1. It ensures that applications are free of errors.

  2. It verifies that the application meets the requirements.

  3. It improves the quality of the application and at the same time the user experience.

  4. It reduces the cost of fixing defects later.

  5. A reliable and bug-free application builds trust and credibility, helping to create your brand reputation.

Application testing is done in several steps:

  • Unit testing

  • Integration Testing

  • System Testing

  • Acceptance Testing

It is very important to choose the right Application Testing company to ensure successful software development. When this moment comes, we must consider the following factors:

  • The company’s experience and expertise in the specific type of application you are developing.

  • The company's testing methodologies and automation capabilities.

  • The company’s security measures in order to protect your application and user data

  • The company's clients' reviews and testimonials to see experience with the testing company

  • The pricing and reporting capabilities. 

On the TechBehemoths platform, you can find the best Application Testing company for your projects. There with over 1243 companies from different countries. Explore their detailed profiles, client reviews, and feel free to get in touch with them.

Alternatively, you can submit your project and our team will select and send you the best matching companies in about 1 hour. It’s free of charge and you do not have an obligation to hire.