There are 4 Companies in Luxembourg
that provide Amazon Related Services!

The Luxembourgish ICT market is considered to be mature and sophisticated but still open and innovative. The market is highly competitive but at the same time has opportunities for international trade, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

Now, in 2020, the ICT sector is one of the most dynamic in Luxembourg, with a turnover of 35 billion euro the ICT sector contributes 10% of GDP per year.

Discover Top IT Companies in Luxembourg specialized in Amazon and other related services. Find the best IT service providers for your projects.

Amazon services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), are offered by companies that help other businesses with technology solutions. These services are designed to make things easier for companies by providing tools and support for various tasks.

According to Repricer Express, more than 45% of the US e-commerce market is served by Amazon, and almost ⅓ of Americans have a Prime subscription.

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Explore Top Amazon Related Companies in Luxembourg

We found 4 companies. Last updated in: July, 2024

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The ICT Industry in Luxembourg: General Profile & Data

The Luxembourgish ICT market is considered to be mature and sophisticated but still open and innovative. The market is highly competitive but at the same time has opportunities for international trade, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

Now, in 2020, the ICT sector is one of the most dynamic in Luxembourg, with a turnover of 35 billion euros the ICT sector contributes 10% of GDP per year.

The average net salary of a Luxembourgish web developer is estimated to be around 2545 EUR, with an hourly rate of 22EUR. This makes the Luxembourgish IT industry one of the most expensive in Europe but at the same time highly-qualified due to IT education investment and government policies that support this economic pillar and its continuous development

Why is it worth working with a Luxembourgish IT company?

Luxembourgish web agencies and IT companies provide the full range of services required on the market. But also, companies focus and tend to develop several specific IT branches that proved to be required both on the local and international markets. In this way, based on a study performed by Open Export Luxembourgish agencies are among the best in Europe in providing the following services: 

  1. E-health

  2. Fintech

  3. Cybersecurity

  4. Big Data

  5. Digital and Social Marketing

  6. ICT for education

  7. E-Government 

What to pay attention to when working with Luxembourgish-based agencies

As it was mentioned from the very beginning, the Luxembourgish IT industry is one of the most expensive in Europe. Also, Luxembourgish agencies like many western countries perform Business Process Outsourcing, by recruiting human resources and professionals from cheaper countries.

Are Luxembourgish Companies reliable? 

As one of Europe’s most popular IT hubs, Luxembourg is reachable almost exclusively to companies that can invest and survive on the market. The tough competition within its borders and also in the region combined with high living prices created a favorable environment for either big or serious companies. 

How Luxembourgish IT infrastructure relates to its neighboring countries?

Even though Luxembourg has a well-developed IT infrastructure and supports the presence of all types of business entries on the IT market, the neighboring country’s IT capacities make a good competition and create similar or even higher opportunities for ICT. According to the Entrepreneur, Germany, Netherlands, and France are the leading IT Hubs in Europe alongside Luxembourg, which makes the first three  - a good alternative for IT startups and web projects. 

Luxembourg still remains one of the most preferred and trusted countries in the world for IT innovation, web development, web design, and creative projects.

How ICT will evolve in Luxembourg in 2022?

Stability is the most descriptive word for the ICT industry in Luxembourg. Ever since it has become one of the leading FinTech countries in the world, the small but plentiful country focuses on developing and already fine-tuning its best branch. That's probably why we won't see in 2022 a totally different Luxembourg compared to previous years. This means that no huge number of IT companies won't come, or appear. Other tech capabilities that Luxembourg has, along with a well-integrated digital life have nothing to do than maintain the course. However, there is always something happening there, such as small tech events dedicated to startups, innovation, or entrepreneurship. So, the final verdict is Whatever changes Luxembourg's ICT sector, won't make it quick, and definitely not in 2022

What is Amazon and what are its benefits for your projects?

Amazon services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), are offered by companies that help other businesses with technology solutions. These services are designed to make things easier for companies by providing tools and support for various tasks.

According to Repricer Express, more than 45% of the US e-commerce market is served by Amazon, and almost ⅓ of Americans have a Prime subscription. 

Companies providing Amazon services are like helpful guides. They have experts who know how to use Amazon's tools to solve problems and improve businesses. If a company needs to build a website or an app, these service providers can use Amazon tools to make it happen smoothly.

What's special about Amazon services is that they are backed by a big and trusted company like Amazon. This means they have strong technology that can handle a lot of work. They can help businesses with things like storing data securely, running websites without any downtime, and analyzing data to make smart decisions

Amazon services are different because they are designed to be really flexible. They can work for small businesses and big ones too. They have a wide range of tools that can fit different needs. Plus, they are known for their reliability, meaning they usually work well without causing trouble.

Amazon service providers use a bunch of tools and technologies to help businesses. They might use things like AWS for cloud storage, databases, and more. They can also use tools for security to keep information safe. These providers often specialize in different areas, like helping businesses run smoothly online, analyzing data to find insights, or making sure everything is secure from cyber threats.

So, in simple words, companies providing Amazon services are helpful experts that use Amazon's tools to make businesses run better. They're different because they're reliable, flexible, and backed by Amazon's technology. They use various tools to solve different problems and make businesses successful.

On this page, you can find more than 4857 Amazon service providers across 48+ countries and territories. Considering the above-mentioned information, we can say that Amazon service providers can be found beyond the countries that the company covers. This means that some of the companies are providing Amazon outsourcing services, while others are located and serve the local markets, where Amazon is currently present and covering operations. 

At the same time, Amazon service providers are not necessarily related to the Amazon company itself, but are rather specialized in different fields and topics that the tech giant covers. That’s why you should choose carefully a vendor. You may want to take into account the following criteria before making your decision: 

  • Reviews

  • Company expertise

  • Years of experience

  • Portfolio

Contacting multiple service providers is also an option, to get the best quality/price ratio for your project.