There are 24 Companies in Italy
that provide Amazon Related Services!

The country has gained 10 notches and reached the 45th position in the Networked Readiness Index (NRI), an aggregate index that assesses the countries’ overall environment for innovation and ICTs. It also measures their readiness for ICT uptake; the level of usage by companies, society, and the private sector; and overall level of impact on society and the economy

Discover Top IT Companies in Italy specialized in Amazon and other related services. Find the best IT service providers for your projects.

Amazon services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), are offered by companies that help other businesses with technology solutions. These services are designed to make things easier for companies by providing tools and support for various tasks.

According to Repricer Express, more than 45% of the US e-commerce market is served by Amazon, and almost ⅓ of Americans have a Prime subscription.

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Explore Top Amazon Related Companies in Italy

We found 24 companies. Last updated in: September, 2024

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The Italian ICT Industry: Data, Companies and Predictions

Data from the Global Information Technology Report 2019 shows that Italy is one of the countries that improved the most during 2019 its ability to leverage information and communication technologies to improve its competitiveness and the well-being of its population.

The country has gained 10 notches and reached the 45th position in the Networked Readiness Index (NRI), an aggregate index that assesses the countries’ overall environment for innovation and ICTs. It also measures their readiness for ICT uptake; the level of usage by companies, society, and the private sector; and overall level of impact on society and the economy. 

Why you should work with Italian IT companies?

Italian IT companies and web agencies are one of Europe’s leaders in software development and computing engineering, having a good price/quality ratio which allows them to be competitive on the European ICT market. With more than 6400 IT companies registered in 2019 and around 170,000 professionals working within the industry, Italian companies provide innovative solutions for both local and international clients. 

What you should be aware of when working with Italian IT companies

High demand for IT services and products on the local market creates on its turn an even higher demand for IT professionals - a luxury resource for Italian IT companies and for the entire industry. This makes Italian IT and web agencies outsource professionals and talents from other, cheaper countries, which on average make the service quality lower than it should be. 

Even though Italian companies are encouraged to provide long-term training sessions for underqualified outsourced professionals, this is a costly process that not all companies are willing to do. 

Are Italian IT and web companies reliable?

In spite of tough conditions and challenges Italian IT companies and the entire industry faces, Italy has its own niche of the market that has been loyal for years and reports from Forbes reveal that the trends will keep the same pace. This business model of moving slowly and getting long-term contracts ensures Italian IT companies and web agencies to increase their reputation as trustworthy. 

How Italian IT industry relates to the neighboring countries

Italy has been the first country in the world to approve a Declaration of Internet Rights through a parliament vote: the Italian Bill of Internet Rights was ratified on 28 July 2015 by the Chamber of Deputies and paves the way for digital citizenship. Additional progress has come in the form of the Italian Freedom of Information Act and the modification of the copyright law of 1941, which has been updated to cover telecommunication networks.

In parallel, Italy is renovating its digital infrastructure: open data in strategic sectors (for example transportation), a strategic model for the evolution of the public information system, and a “digital school plan”. An important step has been the recognition, since 2015, of start-ups in the Italian juridical system, the set-up of an online procedure for the constitution – as of July 2016 – of innovative companies, complemented by the revision of the legal requirements for innovative companies to receive economic support, which enlarges the set of possible applicants.

What is Amazon and what are its benefits for your projects?

Amazon services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), are offered by companies that help other businesses with technology solutions. These services are designed to make things easier for companies by providing tools and support for various tasks.

According to Repricer Express, more than 45% of the US e-commerce market is served by Amazon, and almost ⅓ of Americans have a Prime subscription. 

Companies providing Amazon services are like helpful guides. They have experts who know how to use Amazon's tools to solve problems and improve businesses. If a company needs to build a website or an app, these service providers can use Amazon tools to make it happen smoothly.

What's special about Amazon services is that they are backed by a big and trusted company like Amazon. This means they have strong technology that can handle a lot of work. They can help businesses with things like storing data securely, running websites without any downtime, and analyzing data to make smart decisions

Amazon services are different because they are designed to be really flexible. They can work for small businesses and big ones too. They have a wide range of tools that can fit different needs. Plus, they are known for their reliability, meaning they usually work well without causing trouble.

Amazon service providers use a bunch of tools and technologies to help businesses. They might use things like AWS for cloud storage, databases, and more. They can also use tools for security to keep information safe. These providers often specialize in different areas, like helping businesses run smoothly online, analyzing data to find insights, or making sure everything is secure from cyber threats.

So, in simple words, companies providing Amazon services are helpful experts that use Amazon's tools to make businesses run better. They're different because they're reliable, flexible, and backed by Amazon's technology. They use various tools to solve different problems and make businesses successful.

On this page, you can find more than 4857 Amazon service providers across 48+ countries and territories. Considering the above-mentioned information, we can say that Amazon service providers can be found beyond the countries that the company covers. This means that some of the companies are providing Amazon outsourcing services, while others are located and serve the local markets, where Amazon is currently present and covering operations. 

At the same time, Amazon service providers are not necessarily related to the Amazon company itself, but are rather specialized in different fields and topics that the tech giant covers. That’s why you should choose carefully a vendor. You may want to take into account the following criteria before making your decision: 

  • Reviews

  • Company expertise

  • Years of experience

  • Portfolio

Contacting multiple service providers is also an option, to get the best quality/price ratio for your project.