The ICT Industry in Houston: Data & Insights

Huston is the home of NASA’s human space program and has a well-developed engineering infrastructure, as well as a huge number of tech professionals specialized in providing high-end IT products and services.
Even though the main activity of tech specialists is related more to energy, subsectors such as software engineering, web design and development, programming, and project management are also growing.
In the last 3 years, the region has known one of the largest overall increase in IT talent pool in the nation. Now Houston is a tech hub that has an increasing number of innovation incubators and accelerators that help numerous startups in the area which are specialized in cleantech and software development.
Houston shelters 8K plus tech-related companies, including 500+ venture-backed startups, and the city has its own platform to support tech startups - Houston Exponential, which was launched in 2017.
Between 2014-19, Houston IT companies have received almost $2 billion in venture capital funding across 522 deals. Nearly half the funding has been routed to life science and health-related technology companies, an emerging sector in Houston’s innovation ecosystem.
All in all, Houston has a huge potential to attract IT companies, researchers, and professionals, and, for sure worthy clients interested in developing a successful business in any subsector of the IT industry.