IT Solutions That Rebuild and Transform Industries in 2022

The great thing about technology is that it is always pushing the boundaries of what is achievable. Our brilliant scientists have even helped make the science fiction technologies of the past become a reality.
Nowadays, we are always connected thanks to the internet and our cars are capable of driving themselves while virtual and augmented reality are now commonplace. But while technology can help improve our personal lives it is also a key driver for business success.
When you think of a tech-savvy company you may think of a Silicon Valley startup but the truth is technology impacts industries of all types, and evidence shows those who believe in tech succeed in business. Research published by the Harvard Business Review found that companies led by ‘digitally competent teams’ outperformed the rest by 48% in revenue growth and market valuation.
While some industries embraced technological advancements early, those perceived as outdated by some have been a little slower on the uptake. However, it’s better late than never for these industries as technology is now transforming and rebuilding them.
Construction management software
While the need for the construction industry will remain for as long as humans inhabit the planet, there is no denying that it needed updating to bring it in line with other industries. Delays are a common bugbear for those who have commissioned building projects and the reasons for the hold-ups are commonly caused by poor communication, a lack of coordination and ineffective planning.
Fortunately, the building industry can now thank technology for minimising delays thanks to construction management software. Managing a construction project requires the coordinator to maintain an understanding of how all of the cogs are turning and impacting each other.
Construction management software allows project managers to increase efficiencies and revenues by offering useful visualisation of every stage of the process. From monitoring the supply chain to identifying pricing pressures and green alternatives, the more information available the better decisions construction companies can make.
Digitally transforming construction processes can reduce waste and downtime while offering reduced costs. Other technologies that can improve construction processes include wearable tech that monitors the welfare of workers, drones for better understanding of the topography and hazards and 3D printing which enables fast production of parts with little to no waste.
Production and manufacturing artificial intelligence
In truth, production and manufacturing factories typically use high-tech machinery in search of ever faster outputs. However, this industry can still benefit from other types of technology that aren’t used on the shop floor. Manufacturing is now being driven by artificial intelligence, robotics and digitisation.
Analytics tools are a growing requirement for the success and efficiency of businesses across a host of industries and few can benefit as much as production and manufacturing. These tools utilise artificial intelligence to take companies to the next level, whether that’s expansion or simply improving their efficiency.
Already 60% of manufacturers are thought to be using or planning to use artificial intelligence, and that number is likely to keep increasing as its importance grows in the industry. The reason why artificial intelligence is so effective in production and manufacturing is that there is an overwhelming amount of data to comprehend.
A computer program can draw the data together and make conclusions in a fraction of the time it would take a person. This is increasing management efficiency while also giving leadership teams the data to implement improvements in their processes and overall plant productivity. AI can also identify when machines are due for maintenance, assist with product design and detect faults.
Cloud-based software to speed up the legal process
If ever you have needed a lawyer for support, from buying a house to payment disputes, you might have become frustrated at the perceived lack of activity by your representative. This is typically not because the law firm is deliberately slow but rather its processes are antiquated and remain reliant on paper documents being sent by courier or mail.
All of that back and forth takes time, which is frustrating as most of the rest of the world communicates instantly via email. Case management software is designed to help legal firms gather, produce and manage their correspondence and information in the essential running of legal matters.
Communication is a significant time drain for legal cases, and speeding that up can only improve a firm’s efficiency and how clients feel they are being valued. With all matters pertaining to a legal case in one centralised, automated workflow, lawyers can see at a glance what stage the process is at and what the key dates are.
For businesses of any size, migrating operations to cloud-based solutions has many advantages that far outweigh any initial investment in terms of tightened data security, cost-effectiveness and scalability. Other benefits include integrated reporting, easier collaboration across teams and clients plus building better relationships as clients also have access to their cases and can see any progress updates. Perhaps most useful for modern working patterns, case management software allows for this sensitive material to be viewed remotely in a secure manner.
Smart tech in hospitality
The hospitality industry provides a simple service to customers, whether that is by offering a room to stay in for the night or serving up a freshly cooked meal. Rather than changing the experience itself, technology is helping those in the hospitality industry to improve the service they offer while also making the behind-the-scenes activity run more smoothly.
Smart installations can help hotels manage their energy bills more conservatively using tools like occupancy sensors to ensure heating and cooling units are not used wastefully in an empty room. Energy management systems are perfectly capable of monitoring, tracking and optimising energy consumption, but they can also utilise predictive maintenance.
This allows hotels and other hospitality companies to preemptively maintain their facilities rather than waiting for something to break before fixing it. Engineers can predict maintenance needs based on system usage, helping to identify irregularities such as a leaking toilet as well as evaluating wear and tear on components.
As toilets already use between 5 and 7 gallons of water per flush, minimising their water wastage is essential. Given the need to be environmentally responsible as well as fiscally prudent, smart tech in the hospitality industry combined with the internet of things devices are helping to
Digital agriculture
Farming is one of the oldest industries in the world and while it hasn’t fundamentally changed, it is also far more advanced than it ever was. From being able to harvest crops at their optimum freshness to field management and scheduling animal welfare, there are plenty of opportunities for technology to make life easier for farmers. And it does.
The machinery and equipment used in farming are more complex, reliable and efficient than ever but that’s just the beginning. Digital practices are allowing for precision farming like never before thanks to the increased levels of data being captured. Years ago farmers used GPS to track and steer their tractors to reduce human error and today that has blossomed into a wide range of automated services.
Farmers today can now test their soil for its levels of nutrients, fertiliser and moisture content while also honing in on accurate weather predictions and sophisticated irrigation systems for optimal watering and environmental conditions. Not only can it yield better and more consistent crops, but digital farming can reduce water consumption by 85% and energy consumption by 50%