Coworking Space Trends for 2024: What Users Really Want

by Cristina Matco

Coworking Space Trends for 2024: What Users Really Want

The world of work is rapidly transforming. The rise of remote work, the gig economy, and the growing demand for flexibility have redefined how and where we work. 

In 2024, coworking spaces are evolving to meet our changing needs, offering a mix of community, productivity, and innovation.

TechBehemoths surveyed 1,064 IT companies from 52 countries between July 29 and August 7 to understand how they use coworking spaces, their preferences, and their trends in 2024. These insights will help IT companies to improve their work environments.

Map Coworking Spaces

Survey Respondents’ Profile

Additionally, to demographic diversity, survey respondents represent a wide range of industries, with 57.4% involved in Web & Software Development, 19.2% in Advertising, 10.2% in Business Services, 7.9% in Design, and 5.3% in other various fields including Cybersecurity Services, Blockchain Development, Public Relations, Recruiting, etc.

 Survey respondents: Company's Primary Industry

When we look at the company sizes almost half of the people using coworking spaces (46.10%) come from companies with just 2-9 team members, being a great fit for small businesses and startups because they offer flexibility and are often more affordable.

Next, we have medium-small businesses with 10-20 employees making up 21.10% of the respondents, and medium-sized companies with 20-50 employees close behind at 20.40%

The smallest group, at 12.50%, consists of larger companies with more than 50 employees. These might be using coworking spaces for satellite offices, special projects, or teams that opt for a more dynamic and creative environment.

Survey Respondents: Company Size

Coworking Space Usage Among Tech Companies (2024)

The survey question on the use of coworking space among tech companies for 2024 revealed surprisingly that the largest segment (37.5%) reported no use of coworking spaces. This indicates that many companies still rely on traditional office settings or remote work.  However, 30.9% of companies use coworking spaces occasionally, and 17.8% have adopted coworking spaces as their main headquarters. Meanwhile, 13.8% regularly use coworking spaces, suggesting moderate but consistent adoption of these spaces.

Top Reasons for Choosing Coworking Spaces

When asked what are the primary reasons for using coworking spaces we found that flexibility is the top reason for using coworking spaces, chosen by 27.60% of respondents. Following closely, remote work options were mentioned by 26.7%. Cost efficiency (23.1%) and collaboration opportunities (22.60%) are other important reasons people love coworking.

Other factors include the vibe of the environment, the ability to conduct events or pieces of training, and a preference for less noise and fewer interruptions. However, some respondents still prefer to use their offices or work from home.

The primary reason for using coworking spaces is flexibility. Coworking spaces provide businesses and individuals with a flexible, cost-effective alternative to traditional office leases. They offer a collaborative environment, networking opportunities, and access to amenities and services that can enhance productivity and creativity. Additionally, coworking spaces are ideal for startups, freelancers, and remote workers who benefit from a professional workspace without the long-term commitment and overhead costs associated with owning or renting a private office.


Top Reason People Choose Coworking Spaces

44.7% of Companies Prefer Privacy in Coworking Spaces

The survey results show a clear preference for private spaces (44.7%), indicating that many value privacy and focus. Open spaces (28.9%) and dedicated desks (26.3%) are also important but less favored. This suggests coworking spaces should offer a variety of environments. However most value privacy and concentration, possibly influenced by the hybrid work culture post-pandemic.

50.7% of Companies Prefer Medium-Sized Coworking Spaces

When asked about companies' preferences for the ideal size of a coworking space, most respondents told us they prefer medium-sized spaces (50.7%) for their balance of comfort and community. Small spaces (39.5%) are, also popular, probably for their comfortable and cost-effective nature Only 9.9% opt for large spaces, which may feel too expansive, or fewer businesses need such large environments.

Coworking Spaces Sizce Preferences

Most Important Factors When Choosing a Coworking Space

Respondents were asked to rate the importance of various factors when choosing a coworking space on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important.

The largest number of respondents rated location as the most important factor. Being close to work was the top priority.

Networking opportunities also received a significant number of votes, becoming the second most important factor, meaning that connecting with others and building professional relationships is also very important.  A comfortable and well-designed space counts a lot and was ranked third in importance.

Amenities such as fast internet and coffee were rated as important, but slightly less so. Although it received many votes, it did not have as many top ratings compared to the factors above, placing it in fourth place. The cost was considered the least important factor. It seems that people are more willing to pay for a great location and networking opportunities.

Must-Have Amenities for an Ideal Coworking Space

When asked what amenities are most important to companies when choosing a coworking space, 96.7% of respondents consider high-speed Internet a priority service. 

A large majority, 84.9% need meeting rooms, highlighting the importance of spaces for team collaborations and meetings with clients. Kitchen facilities (42.1%) are still important to many, as are recreational areas (29.6%) and event spaces (28.9%). About a third of companies value spaces for relaxation and events, indicating a growing focus on work-life balance and community activities.

Fewer companies see phone booths as essential (18.4%), but they’re still useful for private calls in open workspaces.

Over 60% Have No Preference for a Coworking Space Provider

When it comes to preferences for a specific coworking space provider, the majority of respondents (over 60%) indicated that they do not have a specific coworking space provider that they prefer. Responses such as "No," "Not at the moment," "NA," and "None" were common, highlighting a general lack of engagement or satisfaction with specific coworking spaces among the respondents.

Among those who expressed a preference, WeWork was the most frequently mentioned coworking space provider. It was appreciated for its flexible membership options, dynamic environment, extensive global network, and amenities. Other notable mentions include Regus, known for its professional environment, and Spaces, recognized for its inspiring office designs. Additionally, positive experiences were noted with Factory Berlin, Impact Hub, Workstation, and Daftarkhawan.

Trends in Coworking Space Usage Over the Past Year

The survey question about the use of coworking spaces over the past year provides insight into the stability of usage. It reveals that 48.7% of companies reported no change in their use of coworking spaces, while 28.9% increased their use. This suggests that more companies have expanded their presence in coworking environments. On the other hand, 22.4% of companies reduced their use of coworking spaces, due to factors such as cost-cutting measures, switching to remote working, or returning to traditional office spaces.

trend in coworking spaces

The Key Role of Sustainability in Choosing a Coworking Space

When asked about the importance of sustainability in choosing a coworking space, over 60% of respondents stated that sustainability is important or very important to them. 25.7% of respondents consider sustainability moderate importance, meaning they might think it but it's not a deciding factor. Only 13.9% of respondents consider sustainability to be unimportant or of little importance. This indicates that very few people ignore sustainability when making decisions.

sustainability impact

Desired Features and Services for Coworking Spaces

Based on the survey results, respondents in coworking spaces are seeking more than just a desk and Wi-Fi. When asked what additional features they would like to see in a coworking space, the most popular requests included recreational areas, cafeterias, and wellness facilities, with 250 companies expressing their desire to have these features in their workspaces. This indicates that many workers are looking for a balance between productivity and relaxation.

Another important area of interest is privacy and the ability to customize workspaces, with 200 people emphasizing its importance. This suggests that while coworking spaces are about community, there is also a strong need for personal space and flexibility.

Networking and community building, as well as advanced technology, are also in demand, with 180 and 170 responses respectively. People value the opportunities to connect with others and access top-notch tech.

Flexible access and parking options, additional services like childcare, and eco-friendly practices were less popular but still important to some, with 140, 120, and 100 responses each. 

Interestingly, 80 respondents mentioned they do not need any additional features, possibly indicating they are already satisfied with what is currently offered.

Challenges of Coworking Spaces

When using coworking spaces, companies face several challenges. Privacy and security are top concerns for nearly a quarter of them (23%). Cost is the next big worry, affecting 17.2% of businesses, followed by distractions and noise, which bothers 13.8% of users. 

Some companies struggle with the availability of meeting rooms and other amenities (11.5%), while others feel that the professional atmosphere (9.2%) and internet or technology issues (8%) are lacking. 
Space flexibility and location accessibility are less of a problem, affecting 6.9% and 5.7% of respondents, respectively. Finally, a small percentage (4.7%) have other concerns that weren’t as common.

Future Popularity of Coworking Spaces 

Based on the survey results the majority of respondents believe coworking spaces are on the rise, with 65.1% expecting them to become even more popular in the next two years. Only a small portion, 15.8%, think coworking spaces will lose their appeal, while 19.1% believe things will stay pretty much the same. This suggests that coworking is likely to continue growing, reflecting a trend toward more flexible and collaborative work environments.

future popularity of coworking spaces

Coworking Space Trends in 2024

According to our survey, in 2024, coworking spaces are seeing some interesting shifts. The most important trend is the rise of hybrid work models, with 65% of respondents noticing this change. This means that more are splitting their work time between home and the office, and coworking spaces are adapting to accommodate this new way of working.

Another trend is that 30% of respondents have observed an increase in amenities. This means coworking spaces are offering more facilities, like better coffee, comfortable lounges, and even wellness programs, to make the work environment more enjoyable.

Niche coworking spaces are also becoming more popular, with 20% of respondents pointing this out. These spaces suit specific industries or communities, creating a more personalized and focused work environment. 

Sustainability is also a focus, with 15% of respondents noticing initiatives aimed at being more eco-friendly. Whether it's through energy-efficient designs or recycling programs, coworking spaces are getting greener.

Finally, 14% of respondents mentioned other trends, which could include anything from technology upgrades to changes in pricing models.

Survey Key Takeaways

  • Coworking spaces are a popular option for small businesses and startups because of their flexibility and affordability. 

  • While many still prefer traditional offices, a significant number use coworking spaces either occasionally or as their main workspace.

  • The main reasons for choosing coworking spaces are flexibility and availability of networking and collaboration opportunities

  • High-speed Internet and meeting rooms are the most important amenities. 

  • While sustainability is becoming increasingly important, challenges such as privacy, costs, and distractions still exist. 

  • Coworking spaces are expected to become even more popular with the rise of hybrid work models.

Partner Companies 

The survey was conducted on a global scale and targeted IT companies around the world. It was not limited to any specific geographical region or country, which resulted in responses from 1064 companies located in 52 different countries. TechBehemoths is pleased to announce the list of partner companies who assisted in spreading the word and gathering responses for this survey.

  1. Mobiteam, Germany
  2. 9cv9, Singapore
  3. Kemetova, Egypt
  4. Excelsior Technologies, India
  5. candee, Greece
  6. Aspire Softserv Pvt. Ltd., United States
  7. Beyond Bracket Limited, Bangladesh
  8. Ledger Labs, United States
  9. LeanyLabs, Ukraine
  10. Start Wise Hires, United States
  11. Jewel Content Marketing Agency, Taiwan
  12. Jump24, United Kingdom
  13. iContact Africa Solutions, Zimbabwe
  14. Adzyro, India
  15. App Gurus, Australia
  16. Squillion Technology, India
  17. Macovin Web Co., Philippines
  18. Media Accent, Nigeria
  19. JET IT Services, China
  20. Neslo, South Africa
  21. Autobg LLP, United States
  22. Clock b Business Technology, Nepal
  23. DevsPeep inc, Pakistan
  24. VietSoftware International JSC, Vietnam
  25. Digital Beaver, Hungary
  26. Labnify, United States
  27. TechDoodles, India
  28. Explosify Creative Solutions Limited, Kenya
  29. 5w155 SA, Switzerland
  30. Shinuiux desgin company, Iraq
  31. Awata Technologies Limited, Nigeria
  32. PIXELS TRAIL, India
  33. Yolt Labs, Greece
  34. BrandiQ, India
  35. Docktape ltd., Hungary
  36. Falcon Solutions, India
  37. djangsters GmbH, Germany
  38. Mantthan Web Solutions LLP, India 
  39. Lucham Digital Agency, Tanzania
  40. 7E Logics, United Kingdom
  41. Yaksha, India
  42. Das Meta, Germany
  43. Salt&Pepper, Romania 
  44. Trivia, Bangladesh
  45. Hurghada Webdesign, Egypt 
  46. Improwised Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India
  47. MHE | NextGenIT, Egypt
  48. VINAStech, Uganda
  49. Jerrax, Pakistan
  50. GOOiZ, Cyprus
  51. Adzglobe, India
  52. Codeware Lab Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
  53. Framewerx, Canada
  54. Belkins, United States
  55. INSAIM.DESIGN, Portugal
  56., Ukraine
  57. Digital Marketing, Iran 
  58. Your Digi Freelancer, India
  59. The Gnar Company, United States 
  60. Enterprise Co México, S.A. de C.V., México
  61. Lantern Digital, China
  62. 88WebForge Solutions, Philippines
  63. SHIFT ASIA, Vietnam
  64. Innovate, Japan
  65. StartupWize, India
  66. Presentation.STUDIO, India
  67. Chromadesignhub, Pakistan
  68. Untile, Portugal
  69. Agencia SEO & Marketing Digital René Rodríguez, Spain
  71. PROCRM, Ukraine
  72. kV, Colombia
  73. NextStack LLC, Armenia
  74. Skynix LLC, Ukraine
  75. Creative Navy UX Agency, United Kingdom
  76. INETWORK Middle East, Egypt
  77. Adzglobe, India
  78. UX Coach (part of Studio Neo BV), Belgium
  79. Burzcast, Romania
  80. Oy Sailer Research & Development Ltd., Finland
  81. ElitePencil Digital Agency, Tanzania
  82. Kevindj Creatives, Uganda
  83. Affiliatemanager ApS, Denmark
  84. Weblook, Sri Lanka
  85. Techmax Africa, Kenya
  86. Ongadi Studios, Kenya
  87. SEOPLUS.AM, Armenia
  88. J.A Web Design, Canada
  89. Linkitsoft, Pakistan
  90. AppWT LLC, United States 
  91., United States 
  92. ScaleOps, Israel
  93., United States 
  94. Syntax, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  95. RadASO, United States
  96. Das Meta, Germany
  97. Thunderbolt Technologies, Pakistan
  98. Wide Angle Agency (Ajans Geniş Açı), Turkey
  99. AminSofttech, India 
  100. Aktiv Software Pvt Ltd, India 
  101. Fastest Solution s. r. o., Czech Republic
  102. Via Kasi Digitals, South Africa
  103. Marketing and Branding, South Africa
  104. IT Soultion or Tech Company, Ethiopia
  105. Founder & Owner, Jordan
  106. Inbound.BG, Bulgaria
  107. HaulMar LLC, Kyrgyzstan
  108. Maksol Digital Solutions, Pakistan
  109. Digital Rhetoric, India
  110. Zaavia, Pakistan 
  111. VOODOO marketing, Armenia
  112. Scaleteam Technologies, India
  113. Sketchish, India 
  114. Business Consulting, India
  115. Digitize Turf, Pakistan 
  116. Maven Media Group, Pakistan
  117. Softbeez, Bangladesh
  118. Cassiopea, Canada 
  119. 3R SEO & Marketing, Ireland
  120. 7 Hills Productions, United States 
  121. SEOBoost, Philippines
  122. Audience11, United States 
  123. Intraframe US, United States 
  124. Overlap, Uruguay
  125. Communique LLC, United States
  126. DotCircle Labs, Nigeria
  127. Evolve Media AI Corporation, United States
  128. ThinkBIT Solutions Phils. Inc., Philippines
  129. ARON Consulting Services, Vietnam
  130. Abi WORKS, Indonesia
  131. Elite Wiki Creators, United States
  132. Diran Productions, Pakistan
  133. Fab Builder, India
  134. Dataprizma, Uzbekistan
  135. DNA325, Poland
  136. DotCircle Labs, Nigeria
  137. Digipeak technology, United Kingdomn 
  138. Rawaj AL-Itqan IT, KSA
  139. Convexity Technologies, Nigeria
  140. Strategic Business Techspace, Nigeria 
  141. ContentME, Egypt
  142. ByteRoots, India
  143. MOON LINES Agency, Lebanon 
  144. Lantern Digital, China
  145. HITS META, Pakistan 
  146. Jelvix, Estonia 
  147. Lucham Digital Agency, Tanzania


Cristina Matco

Customer Success Manager

I absolutely love embracing new opportunities and connecting with people. It gives me the chance to analyze, create, and work for hours on end until I'm completely satisfied with my work. Paying attention to the details is key because it's the little things that truly make all the difference.