Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence Verified Company

TexasUnited States

Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence has multiple offices.
The head office is in Texas, United States

Founding Year 2002
Team Size 50-249
Cost of Services $$$$$ $30-70/h

Towa helps Small and Medium-sized companies to:

  • 📈 Improve the overall software development process

  • 💡 Reduce drastically technical debt

  • ⚙️ Improve the engineering standards and current productivity

Our Clients receive an all-in-one solution: we build, operate, and manage a Software Engineering Warrior™ Team to take care of all software development processes, so you can relax. 😌

It takes less than 3 months ⏳ to validate our cutting-edge software engineering methodologies, a unique culture of software engineering excellence, on the foundation.

Co-create with our senior software Engineering Warriors™ 🛡️ who are experts on the most popular frameworks and technologies like Java, .Net, React, Angular, Vue, Python, Node, Azure, and more. 

Ask for a Quote?

Learn how you can benefit from Outsourcing Software Development NOW

Build a repeatable process to deliver top-quality software development using best-of-breed engineering methods and top practices in people management. And flexible engagement contracts. 🤝

Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence at a Glance

Who Founded Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence?

How many projects a year does Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence deliver?

What is Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence average cost per project?

What are Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence company values?

Profile strength: Good

0 1

Good is ok, but it seems that something very important is missing on the company profile. Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence may be a good company to work with. It requires a little more attention and research from your side, as they might not have reviews or portfolio items just yet.. Do your due diligence before contracting Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence.



10918 Vance Jackson
Texas 78230
United States

Other locations

Av. Lázaro Cárdenas 2225 Valle Oriente, San Pedro Garza García
Nuevo León 66260

Lago Alberto 375 Anáhuac I Secc. Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico City 11320


Main Services Focus
  • UX/UI Design
  • IT Managed
  • IT Staff Augmentation
  • Custom Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • E-Commerce Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Application Management & Support
  • Enterprise App Modernization

Client Focus

  • 30% - Mid-market ($1M - $10M)
  • 30% - Enterprise (>$10M)
  • 30% - General partnership ($200k - $500k)
  • 10% - Small Business ($500k - $1M)

Industry Focus

  • Business services
  • eCommerce
  • Energy & natural resources
  • Financial services
  • Information technology

Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence is positioned among 21581 companies from United States based on profile strength. Their position is good and safe. Of course, a better rank could be more helpful, but worth trying to reach them.


How much does Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence charge for their services compared to other companies in United States and Texas?

Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence charges between $30 - 70/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in United States is below average. This is perhaps a sweet spot. A well-optimized cost structure. It could definitely be a win in the end, but don't forget about your due diligence before hiring..


How many services does Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence provide compared to other companies?

Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence covers 58 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a high range of services compared to their competitors. That's great, but do your due diligence before. Too many services are also tricky. It might be that the company is a superstar indeed, but at the same time, they could be overwhelmed with just a little of everything.


When was Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence founded?

Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence was founded in 2002. According to TechBehemoths data, 221 companies were founded in United States in that year. Compared to other companies, Towa Software - Nearshore Excellence is veteran in the market. What can be added here? A very experienced company, which most of the time works with bigger clients or long-term projects. If you are one of these - don't think twice and contact them.

No Service Reviews yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Every company has its start. These guys don't have any reviews yet, but you may give them a chance. They could excel, to make you a happy client. But, you may also consider other companies, with a proven track record too. To be safe.

Contact the company directly

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