Strategeos Verified Company


Founding Year 2021
Team Size 50-249
Cost of Services $$$$$ $70-150/h

Strategeos is a premium startup strategy consulting firm in Bengaluru helping businesses formulate the right strategy, develop sound business models, build customer-centric products, hone go-to-market strategies, find new business opportunities, and expand globally.

We are one of the best business strategy consulting firms in India supporting startups through every stage of their journey with the right business strategy, growth strategy, product strategy, go-to-market strategy, digital marketing strategy, business development, sales strategy, new market entry strategy, revenue acceleration strategy, and global expansion strategy. We are one of the best strategy consulting firms in India.

Almost every startup driven by motivated entrepreneurs is our target audience. We want to support, guide, mentor, and propel such startups higher and farther than they would have been able to do on their own.

We believe that the right strategy can triumph against all odds. We want to build a community of strategic thinkers and intrepid doers who can take the startup ecosystem of India to new heights.

As a changemaker in the startup community, we connect with ambitious startups, industry leaders, business communities, investors, decision-makers, thought leaders, tech visionaries, and harbingers of change.

We are Strategeos. We are one of the best startup strategy consulting firms in India.

Strategeos at a Glance

Who Founded Strategeos?

How many projects a year does Strategeos deliver?

What is Strategeos average cost per project?

What are Strategeos company values?

Profile strength: Excellent

0 1

TOP! Strategeos is one of those reputable companies that have a strong profile on TechBehemoths. Based on their experience, client references, testimonials, portfolio, you can rely on their competence. You can confidently contact them and send your project inquiry. Strategeos is ranked in the top 42% among all 43,000+ IT companies on the platform.



UB City, No. 24, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Bangalore 560001


Main Services Focus
  • Business Consulting
  • Branding
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Content Marketing
  • SEO
  • Pay Per Click
  • Digital Marketing
  • IT Strategy Consulting
  • Cloud Consulting
  • IT Consulting
  • Artificial Intelligence

Client Focus

  • 50% - Mid-market ($1M - $10M)
  • 25% - Small Business ($500k - $1M)
  • 25% - Starting to scale (<$200K)

Industry Focus

  • Information technology
  • eCommerce
  • Financial services
  • Advertising & marketing

Strategeos Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How Strategeos compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how Strategeos is positioned among 7308 companies from India based on profile strength. An excellent rate means that you can trust this company and initiate successful partnerships.


How much does Strategeos charge for their services compared to other companies in India and Bangalore?

Strategeos charges between $70 - 150/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in India is the market average. This is a safer bet. Being well aware of their capabilities and cost. This gives room for more flexibility in negotiating the cost. Keep this in mind before calculating your budget and requesting a quote..


How many services does Strategeos provide compared to other companies?

Strategeos covers 20 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a above average range of services compared to their competitors. Good call. They offer a wide range of services which is a great finding. This way they might cover more things during the project.


When was Strategeos founded?

Strategeos was founded in 2021. According to TechBehemoths data, 165 companies were founded in India in that year. Compared to other companies, Strategeos is relatively new in the market. Their most critical years of operations are successfully passed. This adds a bit more trust and confidence. Their eagerness and extra mile to prove is still definitely worth taking into consideration.


From 12 reviews

  • reviewed on 5/8/2024

    Hats off to Strategeos!

    Strategeos strategy consulting firm is one of the best we’ve ever seen in a long time. Strategeos helped us grow our market share at a spectacular pace. Strategeos is definitely at par with the top global strategy consulting firms. We wanted to have a valuable blue ocean strategy for our fintech startup. The way Strategeos helped us create the entire blue ocean strategy from scratch was absolutely admirable. Today, we have developed our entire line of business that includes several innovative fintech products and services on the basis of the blue ocean strategy that Strategeos painstakingly built and helped implement for us. I believe Strategeos has the perfect capability to help even struggling startups to become the market leaders of tomorrow, provided such startup founders have enough grit and ambition. Strategeos is a force to be reckoned with in the global strategy consulting space. Way to go, Strategeos!








  • reviewed on 4/8/2024

    An end-to-end strategy consulting firm

    Strategeos delivered outstanding results for us through their deep domain expertise, strategic thinking, market research, knowledge of product-market fit, digital marketing acumen, analytical ability, thinking outside the box, tech know-how and a keen sense of customer expectations. Strategeos was always on top of emerging management best practices, business strategies, organizational skills and startup growth hacks. Strategeos gave us an end-to-end business growth strategy backed by a solid results-driven methodology and flawless implementation techniques. We are looking forward to partnering with Strategeos even further in the days ahead. Truly a 5-star startup strategy consulting service by Strategeos!








  • reviewed on 4/8/2024

    Strategeos sowed the seeds of creativity and innovation

    Strategeos demonstrated to us that the best strategies are all about making the right choices that positions a business to win in its chosen markets. For that to happen, creativity matters more than data is what we learnt from Strategeos. Having explained to us that a choice needs to be made, Strategeos next helped us turn to the full range of possibilities that we needed to consider. Constructing strategic possibilities, especially ones that are genuinely new, is the ultimate creative act in business, according to Strategeos. To generate such creative options, we needed a clear idea of what constitutes a possibility. That is where Strategeos guided us the most and provided us innovative options that we hadn’t even considered prior to that. That has had the biggest impact on our startup success and made all the positive difference to our organizational culture. Strategeos even helped us implement the chosen strategy meticulously. The results were truly mind-blowing in terms of revenue growth and geographic expansion. We are really happy to have partnered with Strategeos strategy consulting firm. Strategeos is the best when it comes to delivering strategy consulting services in India. I personally recommend Strategeos to startups hungry for success and to those entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses rapidly.








  • reviewed on 3/8/2024

    Strategeos focuses on the client issue vs. the framework

    We are a fairly large startup; or a scaleup to be precise. We have previously worked with other strategy consulting firms (the marquee ones, if you may). But the biggest issue with the legacy strategy consulting firms is that they already have standard frameworks for strategy that they apply across the board. Sadly, we did not get satisfactory results working with the big consulting firms. That is when we researched about the best strategy consulting firms for startups. Strategeos was our best choice. Ever since we partnered with Strategeos it’s been a great journey of rapid business expansion, growth enablement and revenue acceleration for us. The best part about Strategeos is that they work diligently towards resolving a client problem and they don’t come with a preset strategy framework mindset (unlike the big consulting firms). Strategeos focuses on the client issue versus the approach. The approach is the framework, according to Strategeos. The Strategeos leadership emphasized that one shouldn’t needlessly focus on the framework because if one does so then one won’t be able to create a bespoke framework to solve the issue to the best of one’s abilities. According to Strategeos, one needs to focus on the problem and then develop an approach to solve the problem, which becomes your framework. Ultimately, Strategeos was of the viewpoint that if somebody excessively focuses on the approach then all that they are doing is looking for the right framework and such a mindset can never solve a client problem fully. How true! We owe Strategeos big time for helping us dominate our chosen markets within a short span of time. Our success was possible because of the deep domain expertise, industry insight and sheer perseverance on part of team Strategeos. The ability of Strategeos to deliver bespoke strategy consulting services was the icing on the cake for us. Thank you Strategeos!








  • reviewed on 2/8/2024

    Helped us build a great product

    We are a lean startup with most of our team members multitasking all the time. Lean startup is a methodology for developing a startup product that aims to shorten the product development cycle and rapidly discover if the product is viable. We always wanted to build an enviable product in our industry. But for that we needed deep pockets which we definitely lacked. That is when we got to know of Strategeos as one of the top strategy consulting firms focused exclusively on startups. We explained our predicament (no investors) to Strategeos since it was the major hurdle in our progress. That is when Strategeos showed us how we can create a sound strategy that would help us build the startup of our dreams without breaking the bank. Strategeos demonstrated to us that if we are good at what we do then the rest of the non-core aspects can be taken care of without spending a lot of money. We are grateful to Strategeos for believing in us and showing us the right path to success. I believe Strategeos offers the best strategy consulting services for startups.








  • reviewed on 2/8/2024

    Empowering the Bangalore startup ecosystem

    Strategeos stands out for its singular focus on startups, comprehensive industry expertise, successful track record, personalized approach, and commitment to mentoring ambitious startups in Bangalore thus truly empowering such startups to dream big and achieve even the toughest goals. I wish Strategeos and its transformational strategy consulting leadership team all the success.








  • reviewed on 2/8/2024

    Strategeos provided us a winning strategy

    Before we partnered with Strategeos we did not have any strategic direction. We were just doing things. Unfortunately, this approach hardly delivered us any results. We went to Strategeos with the goal of helping us build a winning software startup. From the beginning, Strategeos emphasized on the importance of having a sound strategy for success. They provided us a strategic roadmap to conquer the markets that we wished to do for a long time. With Strategeos by our side, it become extremely easy for us to learn how we should be approaching every new market and target audience alike. Strategeos focused on our core capabilities and the future goals to deliver us a winning strategy. It has since helped us build a robust software startup and we are able to deliver results beyond our expectations. They unlocked our full potential thanks to their proven track record of building a strategy from the ground up. Strategeos consistently reiterated the importance of having an integrated set of choices to build a unique advantage for our startup that has now empowered us to deliver outstanding value compared to the competition. I believe Strategeos is a huge contributor to the success of startups in Bangalore. I wholeheartedly recommend Strategeos to anyone looking to build a sense of strategic purpose and direction for their startup businesses. Partnering with Strategeos has to be one of our best decisions ever.








  • reviewed on 25/7/2024

    Extraordinary service by Strategeos!

    Strategeos knows strategy consulting inside out. We did not know how we could improve sales and market share for our company. But Strategeos knew exactly what our problem was. They gave us multiple options and came up with different scenarios in which our business could thrive again. We chose the one which had the highest potential and was also the best fit with respect to our core capabilities. Strategeos then built an extensive strategy based on our choice and delivered extraordinary results with their deep domain expertise and knowledge of the startup ecosystem. It was great working with Strategeos. Looking forward to collaborating with Strategeos in the future too!








  • reviewed on 24/7/2024

    I recommend Strategeos

    Team Strategeos was extremely professional and dedicated in creating the right strategy for our Artificial Intelligence startup. They understood our problems completely and took the time to formulate a bespoke strategy for us. They explained to us in great detail about how their solution would help us conquer the AI market with the capabilities that we possessed. We are thoroughly impressed by their sheer diligence, strategic thinking and analytical capabilities during each step of our journey together. Thanks to Strategeos, we are today in a leadership position in our chosen markets in the AI domain. I would definitely recommend Strategeos strategy consulting services to my fellow startup founders and entrepreneurs.








  • reviewed on 15/7/2024

    Thanks for all the support

    Thank you Strategeos for the outstanding strategy consulting services offered. We appreciate your contribution in simplifying the Cloud complexities for us. Without your support we wouldn't have been able to optimize our Cloud Journey with all the Cloud Solutions. As our strategy consulting partners you offered us solutions for modernization of our infrastructure, seamless migration and management for AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform environments. A special mention has to be made of the performance improvement you delivered with utmost efficiency. We were able to win some top-notch clients just because of you. Absolutely thrilled to work with you well into the future.








  • reviewed on 11/7/2024

    Excellent strategy consulting services

    Strategeos helped us make sense of the complex world of software services market. They created a robust strategy for our startup. I appreciate their dedication and depth of knowledge in the strategy domain. Although strategy is a lost art, Strategeos is one of the few strategy consulting firms that does strategy the right way. I would like to thank the entire team at Strategeos for giving us a bespoke business strategy and implementing it to perfection. I strongly recommend availing their strategy consulting services if you are heading a startup and want to make it big. Keep up the good work, Strategeos!








  • reviewed on 10/7/2024

    Best Strategy Consulting Firm in Bengaluru

    I appreciate the level of service offered by Strategeos. Their strategy consulting services exceeded my expectations. They helped us build a sound startup strategy that has since enabled us to scale. Strategeos showed us that creativity and imagination are vital components of a good strategy. They demonstrated to us that there can't be any gap between strategy formulation and strategy implementation. Strategeos is the best strategy consulting firm in Bangalore. I recommend Strategeos startup consulting firm in Bengaluru to startup founders looking to scale their businesses.









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