Orpical Group

Medford LakesUnited States

Founding Year 2013
Team Size 2-9
Cost of Services Not revealed

Since 2012, we have helped our clients realize and sustain high levels of individual and organizational performance. Our relentless work, objective-oriented culture, unique pool of creative talent and resources, and flexible approach to long-term client relationships has earned us numerous accolades, including The Philadelphia Business Journal’s List of Top Full Service Digital Marketing & Advertising Agencies.

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Profile strength: Average

0 1

Average is better than “below average”, but not “good”, at least not on TechBehemoths. Orpical Group is one of those companies that might deliver some projects, but are not convincing enough. For this reason, their profile strength is average. Advice: get in touch with Orpical Group if you have a great intuition. Otherwise, go the extra mile and find a slightly better ranking company. We have 5,000 strong and excellent ones from a total of 43,000+.



4 Trading Post Way
Medford Lakes 08055
United States


Service Speciality List
Main Services Focus
  • Digital Strategy
  • SEO
  • Pay Per Click

Focuses & Technologies

Orpical Group Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How Orpical Group compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how Orpical Group is positioned among 21581 companies from United States based on profile strength. An average rate is fine, but could definitely be better for a bit more credibility.


How much does Orpical Group charge for their services compared to other companies in United States and Medford Lakes?

Orpical Group is one of those companies that decided to not disclose their pricing. We do not know the exact reason, but we assume their price range can be pretty flexible, depending on each project and client, that is why. Rise this topic once you will discuss it with them.


How many services does Orpical Group provide compared to other companies?

Orpical Group covers 1 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a limited range of services compared to their competitors. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be that the company is rather focused on a few things and does it well, instead of spreading too much.


When was Orpical Group founded?

Orpical Group was founded in 2013. According to TechBehemoths data, 475 companies were founded in United States in that year. Compared to other companies, Orpical Group is established in the market. Reliable. Most of the companies operating since then have gained valuable experience, learning from their mistakes and therefore help you with a great experience further on. You should feel in good hands with them.


No Portfolio yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Having now reviews yet might be ok to trust, but having no portfolio...it's a little risky. We highly advice to look for another company. Better safe than sorry.


From 5 reviews

  • reviewed on 12/8/2020
    Awesome working with Orpical! We worked together on a custom API solution and some Zapier webhooks to work with a CRM solution. Orpical is really your one stop shop for anything on the Web!
  • reviewed on 3/8/2020
    I've worked with Orpical for over a month now and it's been great. The team is super communicative and really helpful throughout the entire process. They are experts in their craft and appreciate fellow experts as well. I'd recommend Orpical to anyone.
  • reviewed on 23/7/2020
    I contacted Orpical Group in regards to logo design for my detailing/reconditioning shop. I originally discovered them through Facebook and after reviewing some of their work and reading reviews from past clients, I knew they would be the right place to go. I spoke with Stefan, informed him what I wanted and gave him my idea for my new logo. He sent over several variations, there were 2 that I liked certain parts from each. He sent back a design with 2 original variations combined and it was amazing! Excellent communication, great value, & perfect customer service. I would highly recommend Orpical Group to any business owner who is in need of any sort of branding/marketing services. I will be using them in the future for SEO services, amongst other things.
  • reviewed on 19/8/2019
    We have had more than our share of big claims and promises with little to no results but the guys and gals at Orpical delivered with EVERY promise and exceeded every promise they made with our website and our marketing. We WILL be doing more and more business with Orpical for years to come.
  • reviewed on 25/6/2019
    We hired Orpical Group to build our website and since then have used them for ongoing needs with managing the site. They do a great job, are extremely knowledgeable, professional and always there to help us! We recommend their services to anyone and are especially grateful to Stefan who has pulled us out of several jams in which we did not know a way out but he always found a solution for us. Thank you!

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