XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Verified Company


Founding Year 2014
Team Size 50-249
Cost of Services $$$$$ $30-70/h

XLNC Technologies is a dynamic consulting firm specializing in Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI), Cyber Security, and a wide range of IT solutions and services. With a clientele spread across 50 countries worldwide, we are dedicated to delivering intelligent automation and innovative solutions within the framework of industry best practices. 

At XLNC Technologies, we prioritize a people-centric approach to automation. We provide extensive support and training to employees before and throughout their automation journey, ensuring high-quality automation services and fostering a conducive, automation-friendly organizational environment. Our goal is to become a recognized brand across various industries.

Recognized by the CIO as one of the top 10 APAC RPA companies, we are a premier implementation partner with Automation Anywhere and proud recipients of the “Automation Anywhere Growth Partner of the Year” award for 2019. 

XLNC Technologies has successfully delivered end-to-end solutions in various sub-domains of automation, including software reselling of RPA, and continues to provide comprehensive support for business transformation.

XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. at a Glance

Who Founded XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd.?

How many projects a year does XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. deliver?

What is XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. average cost per project?

What are XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. company values?

Profile strength: Good

0 1

Good is ok, but it seems that something very important is missing on the company profile. XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. may be a good company to work with. It requires a little more attention and research from your side, as they might not have reviews or portfolio items just yet.. Do your due diligence before contracting XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd..



Dlh Park, 1402, DLH Park, Swami Vivekananda Rd, Malad, W, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400064
Mumbai 400064


Main Services Focus
  • IT Consulting
  • IT Strategy Consulting
  • IT Staff Augmentation
  • Web Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • BI & Big Data Consulting
  • Cloud Consulting
  • Cybersecurity
  • Custom Software Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • AR/VR Development
  • IoT Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Application Testing

Client Focus

  • 50% - Enterprise (>$10M)
  • 20% - Small Business ($500k - $1M)
  • 10% - Mid-market ($1M - $10M)
  • 10% - General partnership ($200k - $500k)
  • 10% - Starting to scale (<$200K)

Industry Focus

  • eCommerce
  • Gaming
  • Transportation
  • Business services
  • Education
  • Financial services
  • Government
  • Health Care & Medical
  • Manufacturing
  • Real estate

XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is positioned among 7408 companies from India based on profile strength. Their position is good and safe. Of course, a better rank could be more helpful, but worth trying to reach them.


How much does XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. charge for their services compared to other companies in India and Mumbai?

XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. charges between $30 - 70/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in India is below average. This is perhaps a sweet spot. A well-optimized cost structure. It could definitely be a win in the end, but don't forget about your due diligence before hiring..


How many services does XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. provide compared to other companies?

XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. covers 14 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a above average range of services compared to their competitors. Good call. They offer a wide range of services which is a great finding. This way they might cover more things during the project.


When was XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. founded?

XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 2014. According to TechBehemoths data, 193 companies were founded in India in that year. Compared to other companies, XLNC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is established in the market. Reliable. Most of the companies operating since then have gained valuable experience, learning from their mistakes and therefore help you with a great experience further on. You should feel in good hands with them.


No Portfolio yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Having now reviews yet might be ok to trust, but having no portfolio...it's a little risky. We highly advice to look for another company. Better safe than sorry.

No Service Reviews yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Every company has its start. These guys don't have any reviews yet, but you may give them a chance. They could excel, to make you a happy client. But, you may also consider other companies, with a proven track record too. To be safe.

Contact the company directly

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