Kagiso Interactive

DurbanSouth Africa

Founding Year 2007
Team Size 250-999
Cost of Services $$$$$ $70-150/h

Kagiso Interactive is a leading, Durban based, web and mobile applications development agency. We believe in providing forward thinking creative solutions that yield exceptional results. With a solid approach to planning, realistic implementation and value, we deliver customized, results-driven programs to achieve our clients’ specific marketing goals.

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Profile strength: Good

0 1

Good is ok, but it seems that something very important is missing on the company profile. Kagiso Interactive may be a good company to work with. It requires a little more attention and research from your side, as they might not have reviews or portfolio items just yet.. Do your due diligence before contracting Kagiso Interactive.



53 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park
Durban 4319
South Africa


Main Services Focus
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web Development
  • SMM
  • SEO
  • Web Design
  • AR/VR Development

Kagiso Interactive Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How Kagiso Interactive compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how Kagiso Interactive is positioned among 368 companies from South Africa based on profile strength. Their position is good and safe. Of course, a better rank could be more helpful, but worth trying to reach them.


How much does Kagiso Interactive charge for their services compared to other companies in South Africa and Durban?

Kagiso Interactive charges between $70 - 150/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in South Africa is the market average. This is a safer bet. Being well aware of their capabilities and cost. This gives room for more flexibility in negotiating the cost. Keep this in mind before calculating your budget and requesting a quote..


How many services does Kagiso Interactive provide compared to other companies?

Kagiso Interactive covers 6 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a medium range of services compared to their competitors. This is safe. A bit of experience from more fields is always good, in case you may need additional services, they can cover it as well.


When was Kagiso Interactive founded?

Kagiso Interactive was founded in 2007. According to TechBehemoths data, 7 companies were founded in South Africa in that year. Compared to other companies, Kagiso Interactive is veteran in the market. What can be added here? A very experienced company, which most of the time works with bigger clients or long-term projects. If you are one of these - don't think twice and contact them.


No Portfolio yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Having now reviews yet might be ok to trust, but having no portfolio...it's a little risky. We highly advice to look for another company. Better safe than sorry.


From 5 reviews

  • reviewed on 19/4/2018
    Best app Developers
  • reviewed on 19/11/2015
    Synverse strives for success by working with companies like "Kagiso Interactive", who has acquired strong leadership and a clear mission. The challenges we faced daily were varied and left us satisfied. Especially, the potential was shared vice versa and looking forward to work again. No doubt. Cheers!!!
  • reviewed on 19/11/2015
  • reviewed on 3/6/2012
    Wow!, excellent job once again, we will continue to recommend your website design agency
  • reviewed on 2/6/2012
    excellent, superb customer service!!!!!

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