Judis Technology Verified Company


Founding Year 2020
Team Size 2-9
Cost of Services $$$$$ $30-70/h

At Judis, we believe that the right technology can transform businesses, driving efficiency, innovation, and growth. Our team of seasoned professionals offers a comprehensive suite of IT services and business growth solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. Our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge solutions that enhance productivity and foster sustainable growth.

Who We Are

Judis is a dedicated team of IT experts and business strategists committed to helping businesses thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Our extensive experience spans various industries, enabling us to deliver customized solutions that address specific challenges and opportunities. We pride ourselves on our customer-centric approach, ensuring that each client receives personalized attention and solutions that align with their business goals.

Our Services

- Managed IT Services: We provide proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support to ensure your IT infrastructure runs smoothly, minimizing downtime and enhancing security.

- Web Development: We create responsive, user-friendly websites that drive engagement and provide an excellent user experience.

- Mobile App Development: Our team designs and develops mobile apps that offer seamless performance across various devices, enhancing your business's mobile presence.

- UI/UX Design: We focus on creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that enhance the overall user experience and satisfaction.

Business Growth Solutions

- Digital Transformation: We help businesses embrace digital technologies to improve processes and customer experiences, driving significant improvements in efficiency.

- Custom Software Development: Our tailored software solutions address your unique business needs, enhancing productivity and creating a competitive edge.

- Customer Relationship Management (CRM): We implement CRM systems to manage customer interactions, improve satisfaction, and drive sales growth.

- Business Intelligence (BI): Our BI tools analyze data to provide actionable insights, optimizing strategies and driving growth.

- Digital Marketing: We leverage SEO, social media, and email campaigns to enhance your online presence, attract new customers, and build a strong brand reputation.

At Judis, our goal is to help you unlock the full potential of your business. By partnering with us, you gain a trusted ally dedicated to your success. Let us help you navigate the complexities of the digital world and achieve sustained growth.

Judis Technology at a Glance

Who Founded Judis Technology?

How many projects a year does Judis Technology deliver?

What is Judis Technology average cost per project?

What are Judis Technology company values?

Profile strength: Above Average

0 1

Judis Technology may be a strong company in its field, it has enough information, so you can get an idea about their experience and track record. However, they could have provided more details about their business. You can search for a stronger company in this niche or just give it a try. It might be worth it to get in touch with Judis Technology.



323, Pride Square, Near JK Chowk, Pushkar Dham Road, Rajkot - India.
Rajkot 360005


Judis Technology Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How Judis Technology compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how Judis Technology is positioned among 7408 companies from India based on profile strength. An above-average rate means the company has all it needs to deliver a project


How much does Judis Technology charge for their services compared to other companies in India and Rajkot?

Judis Technology charges between $30 - 70/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in India is below average. This is perhaps a sweet spot. A well-optimized cost structure. It could definitely be a win in the end, but don't forget about your due diligence before hiring..


How many services does Judis Technology provide compared to other companies?

Judis Technology covers 42 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a high range of services compared to their competitors. That's great, but do your due diligence before. Too many services are also tricky. It might be that the company is a superstar indeed, but at the same time, they could be overwhelmed with just a little of everything.


When was Judis Technology founded?

Judis Technology was founded in 2020. According to TechBehemoths data, 236 companies were founded in India in that year. Compared to other companies, Judis Technology is relatively new in the market. Their most critical years of operations are successfully passed. This adds a bit more trust and confidence. Their eagerness and extra mile to prove is still definitely worth taking into consideration.


No Service Reviews yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Every company has its start. These guys don't have any reviews yet, but you may give them a chance. They could excel, to make you a happy client. But, you may also consider other companies, with a proven track record too. To be safe.

Contact the company directly

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