Everand Verified Company

San FranciscoUnited States

Founding Year 2022
Team Size 50-249
Cost of Services $$$$$ $150-250/h

At Everand, our mission is to enrich modern readers' lives with a vast collection of stories and knowledge. Our library features over 13 million ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts, and sheet music, catering to a wide range of interests.

  • Exclusive Originals: Our platform offers unique, culturally relevant content through exclusive originals. Discover works by acclaimed authors like Roxane Gay, Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, and Chuck Palahniuk, available only here.

  • Unmatched Value: For the price of a single paperback, gain unlimited access to a multitude of books each month. Our subscription model offers both reading and listening options, ensuring maximum value.

  • Personalized Discovery: Find new favorites effortlessly with our powerful discovery tools. A blend of editorial expertise and advanced recommendation algorithms delivers a deeply personalized experience, tailored to your unique preferences.

  • Customizable Experience: Customize your reading journey by bookmarking titles, creating reading lists, highlighting text, and making notes. Adjust font sizes and color themes, set a sleep timer for audiobooks, and enjoy the flexibility of reading online or offline across multiple devices.

  • Content Access: For just $9.99 per month, dive into millions of ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts, magazines, newspapers, and sheet music. This all-inclusive access allows you to read and listen to a wide variety of content anytime, anywhere.

  • Commitment to Quality: We believe in the power of the written and spoken word. The right stories can make moments more interesting, entertaining, and meaningful. Whether seeking knowledge that fuels you or a story that frees you, our platform is designed to fit your needs.

  • Protecting Intellectual Property: We take intellectual property rights seriously, promptly responding to valid copyright infringement notifications. A dedicated rapid response team ensures efficient handling of takedown requests, maintaining the integrity of our content.

  • Supporting Creators: Subscription payments support not only our platform but also the creators who contribute to it. By minimizing advertising costs and relying on our community to spread the word, we keep the subscription price low while ensuring fair compensation for authors and publishers.

Everand at a Glance

Who Founded Everand?

How many projects a year does Everand deliver?

What is Everand average cost per project?

What are Everand company values?

Profile strength: Good

0 1

Good is ok, but it seems that something very important is missing on the company profile. Everand may be a good company to work with. It requires a little more attention and research from your side, as they might not have reviews or portfolio items just yet.. Do your due diligence before contracting Everand.



460 Bryant Street
San Francisco 94107
United States


Main Services Focus
  • Transcription
  • Product Design
  • Mobile & App Marketing

Focuses & Technologies

Client Focus

  • 43% - Enterprise (>$10M)

Industry Focus

  • Arts, entertainment & music

Everand Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How Everand compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how Everand is positioned among 21651 companies from United States based on profile strength. Their position is good and safe. Of course, a better rank could be more helpful, but worth trying to reach them.


How much does Everand charge for their services compared to other companies in United States and San Francisco?

Everand charges between $150 - 250/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in United States is above the market average. Their high price range might be a result of an extended experience or high-quality work. Keep this in mind before calculating your budget and requesting a quote..


How many services does Everand provide compared to other companies?

Everand covers 2 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a limited range of services compared to their competitors. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be that the company is rather focused on a few things and does it well, instead of spreading too much.


When was Everand founded?

Everand was founded in 2022. According to TechBehemoths data, 149 companies were founded in United States in that year. Compared to other companies, Everand is new in the market. Surely newly formed companies don't have the experience of the veterans, but, their eagerness and extra mile to prove is definitely worth taking into consideration.


No Service Reviews yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Every company has its start. These guys don't have any reviews yet, but you may give them a chance. They could excel, to make you a happy client. But, you may also consider other companies, with a proven track record too. To be safe.

Contact the company directly

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