ControlF5 Verified Company


Founding Year 2012
Team Size 10-49
Cost of Services $$$$$ <$30/h

ControlF5, located in Indore is a leading web design and development company and we have been operating for over several years in this particular sector. Our journey started as a startup and grew into one of the leading web innovation and designing names in India since we started leveraging domain expertise, technical expertise, and affordable web solutions worldwide. We have been recognized as a top developer by Clutch in 2023 and top designing firms that helped us to seek the top spot.

At Control F5, we have served over 1500+ clients and delivered 3500+ projects. We breed innovations and technology where we find simple solutions to complex problems. Our main aim is to focus on our world-class support, and handpicked team and meet critical business challenges that can help us to focus better and stand strong together as a team. Our team is adaptable and they can manage web development projects with a process to lead towards the future. We ensure that our workers are streamlined and checked within our expert's circle so that they can reach our clients and they get the best in return. We leverage the use of sophisticated methods such as Shopify Management and Ecommerce Development that helps us to stand at the top of our spot.

Our deep industry knowledge has helped us to achieve our goals and keep our demands straight.

Technologies We Work With: -



- ReactJS

- AngularJS

- WordPress

- Shopify

- Wix

- Webflow

- Woocommerce

- Bootstrap

- Squarespace

We do everything, well almost everything: -

- Web development of our client's brands

- Mobile development (Android to iPhone app development)

- UI/UX Designing - Mobile Responsive

- SEO Friendly & Speed Optimization

- Shopify and E-commerce Management

- Full Stack Development

Industries we serve: -

- Social networks

- Ecommerce/Marketplace

- Travel & Tourism

- Real State

- Clothing

- Fintech and Blockchain

- Music, social media and entertainment & Many More

ControlF5 at a Glance

Who Founded ControlF5?

How many projects a year does ControlF5 deliver?

What is ControlF5 average cost per project?

What are ControlF5 company values?

Profile strength: Average

0 1

Average is better than “below average”, but not “good”, at least not on TechBehemoths. ControlF5 is one of those companies that might deliver some projects, but are not convincing enough. For this reason, their profile strength is average. Advice: get in touch with ControlF5 if you have a great intuition. Otherwise, go the extra mile and find a slightly better ranking company. We have 5,000 strong and excellent ones from a total of 43,000+.



1184 B, Vidur Nagar, CAT Road Near Hawa banglow Hawa Bungalow, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452009, IN
Indore 452009


Main Services Focus
  • E-Commerce Development
  • Web Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • IT Staff Augmentation
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development

Client Focus

  • 70% - Small Business ($500k - $1M)
  • 30% - Mid-market ($1M - $10M)

Industry Focus

  • Financial services
  • Legal
  • eCommerce
  • Consumer products & services
  • Dental
  • Education
  • Health Care & Medical
  • Information technology
  • Non-profit
  • Real estate

ControlF5 Stats
You can learn more about company stats on TechBehemoths in this article.


How ControlF5 compares to other companies based on profile strength?

See how ControlF5 is positioned among 7446 companies from India based on profile strength. An average rate is fine, but could definitely be better for a bit more credibility.


How much does ControlF5 charge for their services compared to other companies in India and Indore?

ControlF5 charges under $30/hour, meaning that the cost of their services in India is very affordable. Is this a great cost optimization or something we don't know? Not sure, but it is both exciting and challenging to bet on a lower-priced service. Is it worth it or not - your due diligence will answer this question..


How many services does ControlF5 provide compared to other companies?

ControlF5 covers 51 services in their current region or area. This means that the company offers a high range of services compared to their competitors. That's great, but do your due diligence before. Too many services are also tricky. It might be that the company is a superstar indeed, but at the same time, they could be overwhelmed with just a little of everything.


When was ControlF5 founded?

ControlF5 was founded in 2012. According to TechBehemoths data, 183 companies were founded in India in that year. Compared to other companies, ControlF5 is established in the market. Reliable. Most of the companies operating since then have gained valuable experience, learning from their mistakes and therefore help you with a great experience further on. You should feel in good hands with them.

No Service Reviews yet
TechBehemoths Tip:

Every company has its start. These guys don't have any reviews yet, but you may give them a chance. They could excel, to make you a happy client. But, you may also consider other companies, with a proven track record too. To be safe.

Contact the company directly

Get in touch with ControlF5 and tell them more about your project.
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