There are 155 Companies in Nashville
that cover 82 Services & Industries!

Nashville may be known as a music and art center for its performance in the past years, and less as a tech hub. But things changed, and the city took it in an interesting direction, registering huge progress in the tech industry. 

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Last updated in: September, 2024

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The IT Industry In Nashville: Overview

Nashville may be known as a music and art center for its performance in the past years, and less as a tech hub. But things changed, and the city took it in an interesting direction, registering huge progress in the tech industry. 

According to the Cyberstates 2019 report, Nashville increased the number of jobs in the tech industry by 2,522 in 2018, which is a good performance for a “music city”. The entire workforce enrolled in the tech industry was estimated to be 65,500+ specialists, activating in various subfields of the tech industry, such as software engineering, web development, web design, and cybersecurity. Since 2010, more than 16,800 new tech jobs were offered to the local community, and all of them were successfully covered.

Out of the entire local economy, the Nashville tech sector registers a 4.2% contribution, or $7,5bn. Maybe that’s not much, but compared to 2016, the contribution of the tech industry was 0.8% and considering the fact that both the economy and the local tech capacities have grown, the latest numbers are impressive and make Nashville a promising destination for both IT companies and skilled workers. 

Speaking of skilled workers, their average annual salary was estimated at $72,5K back in 2018, which is 79% more than the average salary in other industries in the area. 

The most popular job opportunities in the tech sector in Nashville are Web Developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, Project Manager, and Data Analyst which reveals a focus on the IT industry development, and as well proves great IT infrastructure and communication skills. 

For future clients and partners of Nashville IT companies, it is worth noting that the location has probably the highest potential in the entire Tennessee state, and the market is expanding rapidly.