There are 10 Companies in China
that provide Angular Development Services!

China’s tech sector has grown significantly in the past two decades and is making a challenge for the US to keep its long-standing position of the world leader. Companies like Huawei, WeChat, Baidu, Tencent, Qualcomm among others consolidate the country’s efforts in becoming the next-generation leader in tech worldwide.

Discover Top IT Companies in China specialized in AngularJS and other related services. Find the best IT service providers for your projects.

Angular (formerly AngularJS) is a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of developers. It's used for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) and web-based applications in general. Angular provides a structured and organized way to create complex web applications by extending HTML with additional features and enabling the development of interactive, responsive, and maintainable front-end web interfaces.

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Explore Top Angular Development Companies in China

We found 10 companies. Last updated in: October, 2024

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The Chinese Tech Industry: Companies and IT Industry Overview

China’s tech sector has grown significantly in the past two decades and is making it a challenge for the US to keep its long-standing position of the world leader. Companies like Huawei, WeChat, Baidu, Tencent, and Qualcomm among others consolidate the country’s efforts in becoming the next-generation leader in tech worldwide. Lately, China and the US are battling for the 5G technology leadership, and the competition leads to an economic war that assumes sanctions and restrictions for companies on both sides. 

Mainly there are three pillars of China’s tech sector growth: venture capital, innovation, and distinct entrepreneurial culture. All these with governmental support managed to transform China from a mass manufacturer into a tech giant.

At the same time, Alessandro Cormio from Naturality states that China has a rapidly growing market for IT products and services, with a large and increasingly tech-savvy population. The Chinese government has invested heavily in developing its own tech industry, which has led to a vibrant and innovative tech ecosystem. However, there are also significant challenges. Chinese consumers have started to shift their preferences towards domestic brands, making it more difficult for foreign companies to gain a foothold in the market. In addition, habits and market in general are very different to handle and develop when compared to the west. I always suggest NEVER trying to enter this market with the same strategy and approach as Western countries.

Why you should work with Chinese IT companies

As mentioned above, one of the three pillars of China’s tech sector is distinct entrepreneurship. In China, IT companies and businesses in general work differently than the traditional Western style. It’s about social digitalization where companies don’t need direct human interaction anymore - everything can be done remotely. Even though freelancing is a very well-known practice in the West, Chinese IT companies use corporate freelancing allowing professionals to focus on project tasks from different parts of the country.

Chinese companies don’t have any more language barriers when it comes to communication and project management is at its highest. Tech specialists are doing their job properly and fulfill the exact requirements and instructions mentioned by clients. Honestly, this is no surprise, since discipline is in the Chinese blood for centuries. 

Another reason for working with Chinese IT companies may be an abundant workforce. While European and US markets mainly confront a workforce shortage, it’s not the same for Chinese companies where tech specialists are struggling to get a place in an IT company.

What you should be aware of when working with Chinese IT companies?

On the other hand, the government controls all business processes, especially with foreign clients and investors. As a potential client, you will meet certain bureaucratic barriers that will cut the business’s appetite. The number of papers that need to be signed overlaps several times, and the number of papers you need in Europe and the US. But after having everything done, all will go smoothly.

The prices may vary from region to region and company to company. It depends on how well a region or a company performs on the national level - which still remains the main indicator for Chinese IT companies in terms of notoriety. That makes a good idea to be aware of what regions are likely to provide better services, and in which field. 

To this answer, Alessandro Cormio adds that due to the very different market culture and habits of China, to better enter the market, companies need to be aware of how differently things work in China

How reliable are Chinese IT companies

Same thing we could say about reliability. Since the country has more than 15,000 IT companies, it wouldn’t be fair to rate all companies under the same figures. Companies located in more developed regions and cities perform better, are more reliable, and have a higher credibility rate, while other companies from less-developed regions and cities are nameless, and don’t have enough experience to rate their experience.

On the other hand, in China, a nameless company can become a world brand overnight. It depends on the product they are working on, and the technologies used. Since innovation is the second Chinese tech pillar, any company can become famous, rich, or both if use the right combination.

How does the Chinese IT sector relate to the neighboring countries?

The Chinese tech sector outnumbers all neighboring countries. However, in terms of general performance, it competes with the South Korean IT sector and the Japanese one.  The internal market is enough for Chinese companies to grow and innovate, so assumingly there is no big need for exporting IT services, like in the case of Korean and Japanese companies. However, contacting foreign entities empowers and stimulates the innovation processes in a country. 

Chinese Business Environment: Complex But Rapidly Growing

China has a complex BUT rapidly evolving business environment. On one hand, it is the world's second-largest economy (projected to be N.1 in some years) with a rapidly growing consumer market. On the other hand, because of the significant state ownership and control, it turns out to be a challenging legal and regulatory environment. Working in marketing for Chinese companies looking to go overseas, it's also interesting to feel and understand the complexity and huge potential, on a scale, that this market has. China's rapid economic growth and expanding middle class offer significant opportunities for companies and talents willing to invest the time and resources to establish a strong presence in the market.

At the same time, the difficulty to open a new IT company in China is appreciated as quite open, with wide possibilities, but is getting more and more challenging.

How Chines Government Helps the IT Sector?

While it's difficult to understand all subtilities and Chinese laws all of a sudden, Alessandro Cormio, the founder of Naturality Digital - a reputable IT company with offices in China says that there are three main directions on this topic: 

1. Investment in research and development: AI and 5G on top of all.

2. Support for entrepreneurship: Plenty of initiatives to support entrepreneurship and innovation, including tax incentives, funding for startups, and the establishment of innovation hubs and incubators.

3. Encouragement of investment: establishment of special economic zones and other incentives to attract domestic and foreign companies.

Shenzhen and Shanghai - The Chinese Heaven for IT Companies

Shenzhen has been the fastest-growing city in the world in the last few years, and it keeps pushing forward. At the same time, Shanghai is the most populated and international city in China.

Alessandro considers that both should definitely be considered in the top cities in the world for IT development.

About the Chinese Local Talent Pool

Not too easy to answer this question. From my point of view, there's still a lack of people with high skills in certain things. Too many tend to specialize too much and follow a specific standard, not being beneficial to flexibility and creativity.

This article was created together with Alessandro Cormio - Co-Founder of Naturality Digital, which is one of the leading digital marketing agencies with offices in Italy, Switzerland and China.


What is AngularJS and what are its benefits for your projects?

Angular (formerly AngularJS) is a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of developers. It's used for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) and web-based applications in general. Angular provides a structured and organized way to create complex web applications by extending HTML with additional features and enabling the development of interactive, responsive, and maintainable front-end web interfaces. Here are some key aspects and concepts of Angular:

  1. Component-Based Architecture

  2. Templates 

  3. Directives

  4. Dependency Injection

  5. Services

  6. Routing

  7. Observable and RxJS

  8. Modules

  9. Testing

  10. Cross-Platform

Angular's structured approach, strong tooling, and vibrant ecosystem of libraries and extensions make it a powerful framework for building modern web applications. It is particularly well-suited for large and complex projects where maintainability and scalability are crucial.

Companies may choose Angular over other front-end frameworks for their projects for a variety of reasons, depending on their specific needs and priorities.

  • Google Backing: Angular is developed and maintained by Google. This association often gives companies confidence in its long-term support, stability, and continuous improvement. Google's involvement is seen as a sign of reliability and commitment to the framework.

  • Mature and Established: Angular has been around for a while and has a strong track record of being used successfully in large-scale enterprise projects. It has a well-defined architecture and best practices, which can be beneficial for maintaining and scaling applications over time.

  • TypeScript Support: Angular is built with TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript. TypeScript provides better tooling, code maintainability, and catches errors at compile time, which can reduce bugs and enhance code quality, making it attractive to companies that prioritize robust code.

  • Full-Featured Framework: Angular provides a comprehensive set of tools, libraries, and features out of the box, including routing, form handling, HTTP client, and more. This can save development time and effort compared to integrating multiple third-party libraries in other frameworks.

  • Two-Way Data Binding: Angular offers powerful two-way data binding, which allows for automatic synchronization between the data model and the view. This feature can make it easier to develop interactive and responsive user interfaces.

  • Large and Active Community: Angular has a large and active community of developers and a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and third-party libraries. This can be beneficial for finding solutions to common problems and getting support when needed.

  • Enterprise-Ready: Angular provides features like dependency injection, modularity through modules, and a strong emphasis on testability. These characteristics are well-suited for building robust and maintainable enterprise-level applications.

  • Strict Coding Standards: Angular enforces a set of coding standards and best practices, which can lead to more consistent and readable code. This can be important for companies with multiple developers working on the same codebase.

  • Cross-Platform Development: Angular can be used for building both web and mobile applications. Companies looking to develop applications for multiple platforms may choose Angular for its ability to share code between web and mobile apps using technologies like NativeScript or Ionic.

  • Integration with Backend Technologies: Angular can easily integrate with various backend technologies and APIs. This makes it suitable for projects where the front end needs to communicate with different types of server-side applications.

  • Security Features: Angular provides built-in security mechanisms to help prevent common web vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). This can be crucial for projects with high security requirements.

  • Ecosystem and Tooling: Angular has a rich ecosystem of tools, extensions, and IDE support, including Angular CLI for project setup and management. This can streamline development workflows and improve productivity.

Ultimately, the choice of Angular or any other framework depends on the specific project requirements, the development team's expertise, and the company's long-term goals. Companies evaluate various factors to determine which framework aligns best with their needs, resources, and priorities.