Top 5 US-based Tech Companies by Number of Employees in 2024

The tech industry has grown significantly in the past few decades, with 7.3 million jobs in the US, 6 million of which are in the private sector. Over the last few decades, the technology sector has progressed a long way. Today, the tech sector is linked to numerous employment, education, and daily life. Let's analyze which are the top 5 IT companies based on the number of employees in the US in 2024.
Apple has 90,000 direct employees across all 50 states, putting it on track to add 20,000 additional positions nationwide by 2024.
Gender Distribution at Apple
Apple is a male-dominated company. 62% of Apple employees are male and 38% of Apple employees are female, according to Zippia.
Top Job Apple Locations
Apple has a strong global presence, with many locations around the United States. Austin, TX is in first place with 1,226 jobs for employees, San Diego, CA in second place with 755 jobs, and Seattle, WA is in third place with 419 jobs, among the most popular Apple job locations in the United States.
Average Age of Apple Employees
The majority of Apple employees are between the ages of 20 and 30. This age group accounts for around 58% of the population.
Based on Zippia data, below is a breakdown of Apple Employees' ages: Apple employees are mostly between 20-30 years old, with 58% of them between 20-30. The least common age range is less than 18 years, with 2% of them under 18.
Salary Distribution at Apple
According to Apple Job listings in Zippia, Apple employees earn between $100k-$200k per year, with 76% earning and only 2.5% of Apple employees earning a salary of $40k-60k a year, making it the least common salary.
This is the salary distribution of Apple employees:
According to a new study from LinkedIn, Amazon is the best company to work for in the United States. Amazon has held the top place on the networking platform's annual Top Companies list for the past three years in a row. But on the other hand, Amazon is not so careful with their employees. Amazon employees report unhealthy and physically demanding working conditions in its warehouses. The global retailer urges them to address these issues and take complaints seriously, according to The Guardian.
Amazon Employee Gender Profile
Amazon has tried to increase the gender balance of its American workforce. The business recognizes the benefits of gender diversity and is trying to provide an atmosphere that acknowledges the contributions of people of all genders.
Here are some statistics according to Amazon about the gender split in the US:
Foreign Languages Spoken at Amazon
According to Zippia statistics, depending on the particular demands of the business and how it interacts with its customers, these are the most foreign language spoken: Spanish - 66.3%, French - 8.4%, German - 3.2%, Chinese - 3.1% Japanese - 2.9%, and other languages may be among the foreign languages that are often spoken by employees at Amazon in the US.
Top Amazon Job Locations
Amazon has multiple locations around the United States. In first place is Seattle, WA with 8,545 jobs for employees, in second place is New York, NY with 2,702 jobs, and in third place is Austin, TX with 1,594 jobs, these are among the most popular Amazon jobs locations in the US.
Average Age of Employees at Amazon
A majority of Amazon employees, around 54%, are between the ages of 20 and 30, making it the most frequent age group within their workforce. The age range of less than 18 years, on the other hand, is the least frequent, with only 1% of Amazon employees falling into this group.
Salary Distribution at Amazon
According to Zippia, most Amazon employees, 51%, get a yearly pay between $25,000 and $40,000 on average. Conversely, only 2% of Amazon employees earn more than $200,000 annually, making that the least common range of salaries.
Google Inc. employees felt it is a great place to work, compared to 57% of employees at a typical U.S.- based corporation, according to Great Place To Work® 2021 Global Employee Engagement Study.
Gender Distribution at Google
Google, like many other tech organizations, has been working hard to increase gender diversity in its workforce. It has developed a number of initiatives and programs throughout the years to promote gender equality and inclusion. Google is a company managed by men generally. Google staff are divided into two groups: 59.5% are men and 40.5% are women.
Google Spoken Foreign Languages
Google employs employees from several nations, and its language ability reflects this variety. Although English is the company's primary language, which makes sense given that the company's headquarters are in California, it is also well known that many of its employees speak other languages, including Spanish - 33.2%, French - 13.9%, Mandarin - 7.3%, Chinese - 7%, and German - 5.9%, among others, and in fact, according to a 2021 Google report, at least 60% of Google employees speak a language other than English.
Top Google Job Locations
Google has a presence in the following locations around the United States. These are among the most popular Google job locations in the US. New York, NY is in first place with 261 jobs for employees, San Francisco, CA in second place with 156, and Seattle, WA is in third place with 123 jobs.
Average Age of Employees at Google
According to Zippia Google employees are mostly between the ages of 20-30, with 60% being between the ages of 20-30. The least common age range is less than 18 years, with 2% being less than 18.
Salary Distribution at Google
The majority of Google employees make between $100k and $200k. 89% of employees earn between $100k and $200k each year. The most frequent pay at Google is between $60k and $100k. Only 5% of Google employees make between $60k and $100k per year, according to Zippia.
Microsoft Corporation is a prominent worldwide tech business, employing around 122,000 full-time workers in the United States in 2022, according to Statista.
Gender Distribution At Microsoft
The workforce composition at Microsoft reveals a significant gender difference, with the company being predominantly male-dominated. Currently, around 66% of Microsoft employees are male, while 34% of the company's workforce is female.
Language Diversity at Microsoft
A wide range of languages may be heard in Microsoft's offices in the United States, which reflect the multicultural workforce of the company. The employees speak a multitude of languages, such as Spanish - 36.1%, French - 13.2%, Chinese - 7.4%, Mandarin - 6.8%, German - 5.8% and many others.
Top Microsoft Job Locations
Around the United States, Microsoft has multiple locations. 1st city is Austin, TX with 280 jobs for employees, 2nd city is Charlotte, NC with 187 jobs, and 3rd city is Dallas, TX with 175 jobs, these are some of the most common Microsoft employment locations in the United States.
The Average Age of Microsoft Employees
Microsoft’s employees are most likely to be between 20 and 30 years old, with 48% of them falling within this age bracket. The least represented age group is below 18 years old, with only 4% of them belonging to this age category.
According to Zippia statistics, most Microsoft employees make between $100k and $200k. 90% of employees earn between $100k and $200k each year. The most common pay at Microsoft is more than $200k. Only 1% of Microsoft employees make more than $200k per year, in the USA.
Salesforce offers a wide range of opportunities with offices all around the world. However, the USA is without a doubt the most desired location for all jobseekers looking for Salesforce positions to build a safe, secure, and well-paying career being employed 56.606 people.
Gender Distribution At Salesforce
Salesforce's labor mix in the United States has a specific gender distribution. Males constitute the bulk of employees (62% of the workforce), while females comprise 38% of the working population.
Foreign Languages Spoken at Salesforce
Salesforce is a worldwide company with offices across multiple countries, and its employees come from multiple backgrounds. Therefore, Salesforce employees in the United States speak a variety of foreign languages. In the lead is the Spanish language with a percentage of 35.4%, French - 12.3%, Mandarin - 10%, German - 6.2% and Cantonese - 5.4%, and other languages.
Top Salesforce Job Locations
Salesforce has a significant worldwide footprint, with multiple locations around the United States. In first place is Atlanta, GA with 493 jobs for employees, in second place is Indianapolis, IN with 441 jobs, and in third place is San Francisco, CA with 432 jobs, these are among the most popular Salesforce jobs locations in the United States.
Average Age of Employees at Salesforce
Salesforce's employees are most commonly under the age of 18. Moreover, Salesforce's employees under the age of 18 constitute 0% of the workforce.
Salesforce Salary Distribution
In the USA, Salesforce offers a competitive salary, but it also prioritizes the professional growth of its staff members and their general well-being. It aids Salesforce in achieving shared objectives, and workers enjoy better lives. 65% of Salesforce employees make between $100k and $200k annually and only 1% of Salesforce employees make more than $200k per year in pay.
In 2024, the US technology industry is predicted to rise by 5.4%. (source)
Apple's maternity leave policy is unique and generous, offering four weeks of paid leave, 14 weeks of maternity leave, and an additional six weeks of unpaid leave. Also, fathers and non-birth parents can take six weeks of paid leave. (source)
Apple employees have great health insurance that includes dental and eye treatment and have access to a variety of medical specialists, including doctors, chiropractors, and mental health practitioners. (source)
In the United States, over 750,000 operations employees are eligible for fully supported college tuition, which includes the cost of classes, books, and fees, due to Amazon. (source)
Every Google employee has a nickname that they go by – Googler, which is the most popular. Another name is Noogler (pronounce “new-gler”) is used for freshly hired employees. (source)
Microsoft's employees are named with a cute nickname “Softies”. (source)
Salesforce is used by over 23% of businesses worldwide. (source)
- Millennials are currently the largest generation in the labor force in the United States. (source)