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Last updated in: June, 2024
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ICT in the United States: General Profile and Insights

The United States has probably the most advanced software and information technology (IT) services industry in the world. More than 40 percent of the $5 trillion global IT market is in North America, primarily the United States. The industry accounts for $1.8 trillion of U.S. value-added GDP (more than 10 percent of the national economy) and 11.8 million jobs. According to CompTIA, there are more than 525,000 software and IT services companies in the United States. 

The average net salary of a web developer in the US is around $5000 with a $2000 annual prize. On the other hand, the hourly rate is nearly $32, which makes it one of the best-paid jobs in the world within the IT industry. 

Why Should You Work With American Web & Software Companies

U.S. software companies operate in a mature, harmonized market and have a reputation for producing reliable and effective solutions that accelerate quickly to the marketplace. International companies in the industry have shown interest in the U.S. market because of its strong intellectual property rights laws and enforcement. U.S. companies lead the world's packaged and custom-software markets and are competitive in nearly all other market segments with a stable overseas market share.

What You Should be Aware of When Working With an US-based ICT Company

Having a large IT market has both advantages and disadvantages. While offering a wider variety of IT companies to choose from is one of the biggest advantages the U.S. has to offer, the challenge for potential clients and partners of the U.S.-based web & IT companies is that the industry development is not equally distributed to all states and cities. This is why it’s good to have in mind the most important U.S. IT hubs and focus on choosing the best suitable one depending on your needs. 

How Reliable are US-based IT Companies

Based on a report delivered by CompTIA in 2020, the changes in the global IT market that make competition in this area tougher, U.S. companies will focus more on three development pillars: 

  • Training and Certification of professionals in their existing tech skills

  • Training and Certification of professionals in new tech skills

  • Career growth and project management. 

This means that the market is saturated with the workforce and there is a small probability that companies will increase their hiring rate for new professionals. However, intensive and extensive skills development of U.S. tech professionals will increase the capacity and attractiveness of U.S. IT companies and web agencies. Additionally, this will improve the already well-developed abilities to deliver high-end products and services in the IT field

How Does the US IT Industry Relate to the Neighboring Countries

Considering that the US has probably the most developed IT infrastructure, the industry will keep its position for at least 3 years. On the other hand, the rising numbers of IT companies from Canada and Mexico come in contrast with what US companies have to offer. In other words, clients still have to choose between US companies and neighboring countries as the offers differ in quality and ways of executing projects. 

Overall, the US IT industry is in leading positions in different sectors, and combined with an authentic business culture will probably continue to keep its attractiveness. Although companies from the U.S. are flexible and are always adjusting to market requirements, the global market still remains unpredictable which may lead to significant changes in the far future.

What is Other Marketing and what are its benefits for your projects?

Marketing services can go beyond traditional digital strategies and utilize innovative methods to effectively promote businesses. These approaches aim to tap into unique avenues and techniques for success. 

Various innovative strategies fall under other marketing services, all aimed at helping businesses stand out in the competitive digital sphere. These tactics include influencer marketing, guerrilla marketing, event marketing, and strategic partnerships. Unlike traditional marketing, other marketing strives to create impactful experiences that truly connect with the intended target audience.

As related to other marketing services we can count influencer marketing, guerrilla marketing, event marketing, and collaborations, as well as content marketing and experiential marketing, share a common thread.

Companies that offer other marketing services leverage various tools and technologies, tailored to the specific strategies they employ. These tools can range from social media management platforms for influencer campaigns to event management software for event marketing, as well as creative design tools for guerrilla marketing endeavors.

When a company requires other types of marketing services, it can collaborate with dedicated IT companies or digital agencies. Specialized IT companies focus solely on unconventional marketing strategies and excel in executing distinctive campaigns. Digital agencies, on the other hand, may provide a broader suite of marketing services, catering to businesses seeking all-encompassing marketing solutions.

Adopting other marketing services grants businesses a competitive edge, enabling them to captivate their target audience through inventive and memorable campaigns. Influencer collaborations lead to enhanced brand exposure and credibility, while guerrilla marketing sparks viral attention and reinforces brand recognition. Event marketing and partnerships allow businesses to directly engage with customers and cultivate meaningful connections.

Choosing the appropriate other marketing service provider necessitates evaluating their expertise in the specific strategies you plan to implement. Seek providers with a history of successful and imaginative campaigns. Effective communication and collaboration are essential, so opt for a provider that comprehends your brand and objectives.