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Last updated in: June, 2024
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The Tech Industry in New York City: Overview


New York City (NYC) is not Silicon Valley, but it’s one of the biggest tech hubs in the US. It was named Silicon Alley in the 1990s, having multiple tech companies operating in Manhattan.

The Silicon Alley name didn’t stick, but NYC proved to be a thriving and emerging IT hub with high ambitions. NYC is also referenced as “The Big Apple”, “The Melting Pot”, “The Capital of the World” and has multiple nicknames due to its massive diversity. 

According to the Office of the New York State Comptroller, there are more than 10,000 IT companies in NYC, which represents a growth of over 34% over the past couple of years, and software publishing is one of the fastest growing tech subsectors.

In 2022, there were 110 unicorns (companies valued at more than $1B) in NYC, based on the research presented by CB Insights. This makes New York the 2nd biggest city in the US by the number of unicorns & tech startups, just behind San Francisco with 167 unicorns. 

Some of the leading tech companies like IBM, Etsy, Vimeo, Squarespace, Shutterstock, Bloomberg, etc, are headquartered in NYC.

VC (venture capital) firms invest heavily in NYC based tech startups. Venture funding in New York City boomed in recent years and reached tens of billions of investment to support IT companies from various industries like fintech, healthtech, security, AI, blockchain and more.

There are more than 1,260 IT companies from New York, registered on TechBehmoths. They provide multiple services ranging from branding, web design, advertising to software development, cloud consulting and application testing.

A vast majority of these companies have verified profiles with examples of their previous works, price ranges, client testimonials and technologies used.

Browse their profiles or use our powerful filter to choose the right service provider to work with. The service is free and there is no obligation to hire.

What is Digital Strategy and what are its benefits for your projects?

Digital strategy is a comprehensive plan that guides businesses in leveraging digital technologies and platforms to achieve their goals. It involves determining how to effectively use online channels to reach target audiences, enhance brand visibility, and drive growth. 

Services related to digital strategy encompass a wide range of activities, including content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and online advertising, aimed at achieving business goals through effective online presence and engagement.

In the digital age, businesses need a variety of strategies and tactics to succeed, which is collectively known as digital strategy. It includes defining the target audience, selecting the right digital platforms, creating engaging content, and measuring performance to ensure objectives are met. Services related to Digital Strategy range from content marketing and social media strategy to email marketing and online advertising.

Companies providing Digital Strategy services use a variety of tools and technologies. These may include analytics platforms like Google Analytics to measure website performance, social media management tools like Hootsuite for scheduling and monitoring posts, and marketing automation software like HubSpot for managing email campaigns and lead nurturing.

If a company is looking for help with their digital strategy, they can choose to partner with specialized IT companies or digital agencies. Specialized IT companies provide extensive knowledge and experience in creating successful digital plans while digital agencies, on the other hand, may provide a broader suite of digital services, making them suitable for businesses seeking comprehensive digital solutions.

When businesses make use of Digital Strategy services, they can gain many advantages in the digital world. A carefully planned strategy helps businesses to target the right audience effectively, resulting in higher engagement and more conversions. It also provides a clear roadmap for online activities, allowing businesses to allocate resources more efficiently. Additionally, a solid digital strategy keeps businesses adaptable, enabling them to respond effectively to changing market trends.

Selecting the right digital strategy service provider is crucial for achieving optimal results. Look for providers with proven expertise in designing effective digital strategies tailored to your industry and audience. Communication and a collaborative approach are key, so choose a provider that understands your goals and can effectively execute your vision.