There are 24 Companies in Brisbane
that provide UX/UI Design Services!

Brisbane is one of the most popular cities in Australia and also a tech center with regional impact in Queensland. What else makes Brisbane an important tech center in Australia, is the city’s investment in business research and development, tech & IT education, and skilled workforce. All in all, the core of the IT industry is considered human capital - professionals that choose a career in IT.

Discover Top IT Companies in Brisbane specialized in UX/UI Design including Usability Testing, User Research, UX Strategy and more.

Have you ever noticed how some websites and apps just feel easier to use than others? - That's because of the UX/UI design - basically, the people who make sure everything looks good and is easy to navigate. UX/UI design services are closely connected, but they are not the same.

UI (user interface) design concentrates on visual elements. It is all about how things look and work on a product, like colors, fonts, and buttons. UX (user experience) refers to the overall experience a person has with a product  – how easy it is to use the product, how it makes the user feel, and whether it is possible to easily get what is needed from it.

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We found 24 companies. Last updated in: June, 2024
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TechBehemoths is the world's most advanced and user-friendly platform to match IT Companies with real clients without hustle.

The Tech Industry in Brisbane: Progress & Results

Brisbane is one of the most popular cities in Australia and also a tech center with regional impact in Queensland. What else makes Brisbane an important tech center in Australia, is the city’s investment in business research and development, tech & IT education, and skilled workforce. All in all, the core of the IT industry is considered human capital - professionals that choose a career in IT.  

However, in order to achieve the desired results and be able to invest in professionals, Brisbane needs, and has an excellent infrastructure that supports all business, career, and educational processes. For example, several leading universities are located in Brisbane - the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, and Griffith University. These educational centers are the key to raising young professionals that will deliver in the near future high-quality services for IT and tech companies, but not only. 

Just like in other Australian cities, the IT sector in Brisbane is connected to the rest of the key industries for proficient digitalization. In this way, the Brisbane Digital Strategy aims to double the number of companies that sell products and services online. Another goal of the program is to increase by 35% the productivity growth achieved through digital technologies. 

When it comes to the average salary of IT professionals in Brisbane, the numbers show $59K/year, which is considerably lower than in Sydney ($84K/year), but at the same time, it’s the highest salary in Queensland - which makes the job attractive and the IT projects cheaper in Australia. 

According to  Bubble, Brisbane also has IT accelerators, incubators, and startup programs that grow businesses and invest in IT infrastructure. Igniting Mets Accelerator and Hot DesQ are only a few out of many programs to name. 

All in all, Brisbane has a great potential for becoming one of the regional leaders in IT & tech. It all depends on government policies, investments, and human capital. 

What is UX/UI Design and what are its benefits for your projects?

Have you ever noticed how some websites and apps just feel easier to use than others? That's because of the UX/UI design - basically, the people who make sure everything looks good and is easy to navigate.

UX/UI design services are closely connected, but they are not the same. They are actually about different parts of the design and to be effective they must work together.

  • UI (user interface) design concentrates on visual elements. It is all about how things look and work on a product, like colors, fonts, and buttons.

  • UX (user experience) refers to the overall experience a person has with a product  – how easy it is to use the product, how it makes the user feel, and whether it is possible to easily get what is needed from it.

According to research conducted by Forrester, a well-designed user interface (UI) can increase a website's conversion rate by 200%, whereas a better user experience (UX) design could raise it by up to 400%.

In this connection, the importance of UX/UI Design cannot be overstated. Nowadays users have high expectations for the products they use, if a product is not easy to use or enjoyable, users will quickly abandon it. 

UX/UI design can help:

  • Enhance user satisfaction

  • Reduce bounce rates

  • Lead to higher customer retention and revenue

UX Design has also an important role in Inclusive Government Design, which makes government services accessible and user-friendly for diverse and marginalized communities.  

But how do choose the right UX/UI Company? 

  1. Review the company's portfolio and make sure they have experience in your industry

  2. Look for companies that understand your target audience to meet their needs.

  3. Inquire about their design process: research, wireframing, prototyping, and testing.

  4. Choose a company that maintains transparent and open communication and keeps you involved throughout the design process.

  5. Read client reviews to check their reputation and client satisfaction.

  6. A good design company should be up-to-date with the latest design trends and technologies.

Taking into consideration all these tips you will manage to select the right UX/UI Design Company that will help to achieve your goals. 

There are over 8766 UX/UI Design companies on the TechBehemoths platform. Check their profiles, their strong portfolios, and previous clients' reviews before you make a decision. With the help of smart filters, you can easily find suitable partners to deliver exceptional digital experiences. Alternatively, you can submit your project, and this way we will find the best match on your behalf.

 Moreover, if you are interested to know UI and UX Design challenges, discover a few bad UX Design examples and find out how to fix them, we invite you to our blog.