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Last updated in: June, 2024

Search Value was incorporated in 2007 with a sole objective of becoming one of the prominent Digital Marketing agencies for technology companies. Sinc...

Team size 50-249
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $30-70/h


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WhiteVox is India’s top digital marketing and SEO services company. We are based in New Delhi and we provide full-suite Internet marketing services. ...

Team size 50-249
Hourly Rate $$$$$ <$30/h


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The Tech Industry in Noida: General Overview


Once a small industrial city, Noida (the acronym for New Okhla Industrial Development Authority) is currently an emerging IT hub in India attracting lots of tech professionals and startups. 

This suburban city of Delhi has seen a tremendous growth over the last couple of years, hosting more than 3,000 startups and also established tech corporations like IBM, Nokia, Google, Accenture, Cognizant, TCS and more.

Microsoft opened its third India Development Center in Noida and was planning to set up a data center in the region, thus expanding its presence in India.

Proximity to reputable universities and colleges, good infrastructure and transportation, government support and a thriving startup ecosystem attracted millions of investment and transformed the city into a thriving IT center.

It’s been also mentioned as a good place to live for IT employees due to its easy connectivity to Delhi, good public transport, lots of green areas and relatively lower prices for rent and real estate than in bigger cities.

TechBehmoths lists more than 440 IT companies from Noida, providing a wide variety of services, from web design and digital advertising to cloud consulting and ecommerce development.

If you’re looking to partner with IT service providers from India, Noida might be a good city to start with. You can use the advanced filter on our website to shortlist the companies based on your project requirements.

Alternatively, submit a request with your business needs and we’ll send you a list of handpicked companies at no extra cost and no obligation to hire.