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What exactly does Peru's Lima represent from a tech perspective?!


Lima, Peru's capital, was once called the City of Kings. Now, it's a big city surrounded by pretty hills, valleys, and nice beaches by the Pacific Ocean.

Lima has embraced technology in recent years.  As a result is becoming more connected and efficient and people who live there are enjoying the positive changes.

More than 80% of people in Peru have a mobile phone, and over 60% can access the internet. This has led to the creation of lots of helpful apps and online services that make life easier for the people of Lima. 

Additionally, there are now more places called coworking spaces and incubators, where entrepreneurs get the help and resources they need to start and expand their businesses. 

Plus there are also a number of accelerators and investment funds that are investing in Peruvian startups. The city is home to a number of tech companies as well as several universities with strong engineering and computer science programs.

However, one of the most important technological initiatives in Lima is the Plan Lima Inteligente 2021-2026. This plan outlines a number of goals for the city, including:

  • Using smart grids to save energy and sensors to monitor traffic and air quality

  • Funding startups for new ideas

  • Tech to help everyone, including those with disabilities

  • Teaching tech skills and giving access to tech in underserved areas

  • High-speed internet for homes and businesses, etc.

As a result, these initiatives will improve quality of life and will lead to greater social inclusion. As Lima continues to develop as a technological city, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of technology in the future.

For now, if you are looking for an IT service provider in Lima, Peru you can find it on TechBehemoths. There are more than 95 companies in Lima

that cover 81 services and industries, just use the filter to narrow down your results or submit your project and our team will find the best option according to your requirements. 

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