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Explore Top Angular Development Companies in Estonia

Below are 25-35 of 35 companies. Last updated in: September, 2024

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The ICT in Estonia: Overview and Companies Data

In the past 10 years, Estonia developed its IT industry and infrastructure. Projects like e-Estonia, e-residency, and VR Estonia among others, transformed the country into a fully digitalized hub in the Baltic region. 

The IT sector itself plays an important role in the Estonian economy, registering a 3,68 bn Euros turnover in 2020. Also, ~6.0% of the entire Estonian workforce is enrolled in the IT industry, for those 4800+ digital companies that export their services in 130 countries. 

Why working with Estonian IT companies

Essential e-solutions in Estonia that enable the digital society to function smoothly were all built by local Estonian companies. This enhances the reliability of Estonian IT companies not only locally but also worldwide - about this we will relate a bit later. 

The already built digital system in Estonia, already tells a lot about Estonian IT companies that perform excellently, and are becoming more and more attractive not only for companies but also for skilled professionals that are enjoying preferential conditions. 

So, after all, why you should work with Estonian IT companies?! 

  • Skilled workers - that provide high-level digital services

  • Open market - that facilitate and ease the access to IT resources and companies services

  • Low taxes - compared with other European countries, Estonia helps local IT and tech companies generate sales, by cutting taxes - which can reflect a lower price/project for the end customer

  • Healthy business environment  - a well-established communication between businesses is assured 

What you should pay attention to when working with Estonian IT companies

However, working with Estonian IT companies can be also tricky. Even though the post soviet reminiscences are not visible, you still can hit Russian Estonians that are providing the same IT services, but on a relatively lower quality, and in a very specific manner. Roughly, some of the companies are only benefiting from the developed IT environment in Estonia, but don’t follow the same guidelines as the wide majority of companies do. 

Another challenge is the limited human resources that Estonian companies can have. The country’s population is just above 3 million people and 6% of it is simply not enough to cover all market demands, so possibly it would be difficult to find an available IT company based in Estonia to take a big project or so. 

How developed is Estonian IT Infrastructure

Estonia ranks among the top European countries with the highest IT infrastructure. As mentioned previously, its digital transformation made the country one of the regional leaders in innovation. But even so, the country is still not done yet with developing its IT capabilities. 

How does the Estonian IT industry perform compared to the neighboring countries?

In the Baltics, Estonia is a detached leader in IT. Latvia and Lithuania are behind simply because they focused on developing other sectors. But the Estonian performance is also motivated by people’s attachment to digital technologies.  The continuously growing number of digital agencies confirms once again that Estonia ranks better than neighboring countries. 

But speaking about Estonia as an extension to Europe’s northern region, the country is in tight competition with Sweden and Finland, which also find themselves somewhere in the first half of the European IT community. 

Compared with those two countries, Estonian companies will rather provide lower prices for their IT and digital services and products, but at the same time, Estonia has way more limited resources than Sweden or Finland. 

All in all, Estonia is a great country to consider for digital projects, and local companies' rich experience with digital transformation can make a difference for their projects.

What is AngularJS and what are its benefits for your projects?

Angular (formerly AngularJS) is a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of developers. It's used for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) and web-based applications in general. Angular provides a structured and organized way to create complex web applications by extending HTML with additional features and enabling the development of interactive, responsive, and maintainable front-end web interfaces. Here are some key aspects and concepts of Angular:

  1. Component-Based Architecture

  2. Templates 

  3. Directives

  4. Dependency Injection

  5. Services

  6. Routing

  7. Observable and RxJS

  8. Modules

  9. Testing

  10. Cross-Platform

Angular's structured approach, strong tooling, and vibrant ecosystem of libraries and extensions make it a powerful framework for building modern web applications. It is particularly well-suited for large and complex projects where maintainability and scalability are crucial.

Companies may choose Angular over other front-end frameworks for their projects for a variety of reasons, depending on their specific needs and priorities.

  • Google Backing: Angular is developed and maintained by Google. This association often gives companies confidence in its long-term support, stability, and continuous improvement. Google's involvement is seen as a sign of reliability and commitment to the framework.

  • Mature and Established: Angular has been around for a while and has a strong track record of being used successfully in large-scale enterprise projects. It has a well-defined architecture and best practices, which can be beneficial for maintaining and scaling applications over time.

  • TypeScript Support: Angular is built with TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript. TypeScript provides better tooling, code maintainability, and catches errors at compile time, which can reduce bugs and enhance code quality, making it attractive to companies that prioritize robust code.

  • Full-Featured Framework: Angular provides a comprehensive set of tools, libraries, and features out of the box, including routing, form handling, HTTP client, and more. This can save development time and effort compared to integrating multiple third-party libraries in other frameworks.

  • Two-Way Data Binding: Angular offers powerful two-way data binding, which allows for automatic synchronization between the data model and the view. This feature can make it easier to develop interactive and responsive user interfaces.

  • Large and Active Community: Angular has a large and active community of developers and a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and third-party libraries. This can be beneficial for finding solutions to common problems and getting support when needed.

  • Enterprise-Ready: Angular provides features like dependency injection, modularity through modules, and a strong emphasis on testability. These characteristics are well-suited for building robust and maintainable enterprise-level applications.

  • Strict Coding Standards: Angular enforces a set of coding standards and best practices, which can lead to more consistent and readable code. This can be important for companies with multiple developers working on the same codebase.

  • Cross-Platform Development: Angular can be used for building both web and mobile applications. Companies looking to develop applications for multiple platforms may choose Angular for its ability to share code between web and mobile apps using technologies like NativeScript or Ionic.

  • Integration with Backend Technologies: Angular can easily integrate with various backend technologies and APIs. This makes it suitable for projects where the front end needs to communicate with different types of server-side applications.

  • Security Features: Angular provides built-in security mechanisms to help prevent common web vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). This can be crucial for projects with high security requirements.

  • Ecosystem and Tooling: Angular has a rich ecosystem of tools, extensions, and IDE support, including Angular CLI for project setup and management. This can streamline development workflows and improve productivity.

Ultimately, the choice of Angular or any other framework depends on the specific project requirements, the development team's expertise, and the company's long-term goals. Companies evaluate various factors to determine which framework aligns best with their needs, resources, and priorities.