There are 3 Companies in Latvia
that provide Human Resources Services!

With a population of just over 2 million, Latvia has been qualified as a high-income country by the World Bank. It had come a long way since the year 1991, far from the shadow of the Soviet Union, to create a place for itself in global affairs – economic, political, cultural, or academic.

Discover Top IT Companies in Latvia specialized in Human Resources including HR Consulting, HR Outsourcing, Recruiting, Staffing and more.

Human Resources services encompass a range of specialized solutions designed to support organizations in effectively managing their workforce. These services include talent acquisition, employee onboarding and offboarding, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits administration, and HR compliance. HR services are critical for fostering a positive work environment, attracting top talent, and ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

According to Techjury, 58% of companies depend on Human resources technologies for talent acquisition, while just under 50% of companies are actively investing in human resources services - the same source states.

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We found 3 companies. Last updated in: June, 2024

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The ICT Industry in Latvia: Country Overview & Profile

With a population of just over 2 million, Latvia has been qualified as a high-income country by the World Bank. It had come a long way since the year 1991, far from the shadow of the Soviet Union, to create a place for itself in global affairs – economic, political, cultural, or academic. 

Many people identify Latvia as a country with one of the fastest internet speeds in the world, more than the United Kingdom or France even! However, the high-tech atmosphere in Latvia is much broader and exciting than that. In a short period of time, Latvia has managed to build a ground for the development of ecosystems that support the growth of high-tech and deep-tech industries and infrastructures.

Why you should work with Latvian IT companies

Like the country itself, Latvian IT companies are in a continuous transformation and develop their capabilities at high speed. Organizing fairs and events, working with international companies, and exporting their services to almost all European countries, Latvian IT companies managed to increase their competitiveness and number of clients with more than 70% in 2019, compared to the previous year. 

World Bank data suggests that in 2018, the high technology exports as a percentage share of total manufacture exports of Latvia were at 19.3%.  According to another statistic - the Global Innovation Index 2019, Latvia ranks at 34 in the world. Just to mention, that in 2015, the same index placed Latvia in the 81st position. 

What to be aware of when working with Latvian IT companies

There are not too many things that are challenging for Latvian IT companies, and probably, like in all three Baltic countries, Latvia faces the same problem - limited human resources. Out of 2 million people in Latvia, 4.5% are enrolled in the IT industry. And even if the country tries to stimulate the numbers to grow, everything moves a bit slowly like in Estonia for example.  

Are Latvian companies reliable?

The Latvian business traditions find their roots back in the former Soviet Union, and while it was bordering the nordic countries the Latvian society followed practices and business culture from both sides. 

Now, Latvian companies, including those in the IT industry enjoy a high level of reliability and trust, including but not limited to on-time delivered projects, well-executed digital services, good project management, and why not - linguistic capabilities of the locals. 

How does Latvia perform compared to its neighboring countries in terms of IT?

Together with Estonia and Lithuania, Latvia is a part of the Baltic IT hub - probably one of the most progressive in Europe. The well-developed IT infrastructure is interconnected with the other two countries, and many companies provide services in the entire Baltic region.  It is something specific for the region, where three countries collaborate tightly based on the understanding that together they are stronger. 

Taking Latvia apart from those two countries, we could say that its IT industry does not differ from their neighboring countries, and probably is at a slightly lower level than Estonian’s tech scene, since the last one has been thru many digital transformations lately.

What is Human Resources and what are its benefits for your projects?

Human Resources services encompass a range of specialized solutions designed to support organizations in effectively managing their workforce. These services include talent acquisition, employee onboarding and offboarding, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits administration, and HR compliance. HR services are critical for fostering a positive work environment, attracting top talent, and ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

According to Techjury, 58% of companies depend on Human resources technologies for talent acquisition, while just under 50% of companies are actively investing in human resources services - the same source states. 

Partnering with a specialized IT company for HR services can bring numerous benefits to businesses. Here are some key advantages:

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Specialized HR companies have a deep understanding of human resources best practices, employment laws, and industry-specific requirements. They bring a wealth of expertise in managing various HR functions, ensuring compliance, and effective people management.
  • Cost and Time Savings: Outsourcing HR functions to a specialized IT company can save businesses significant time and resources. These companies have dedicated HR professionals and efficient processes in place, allowing organizations to focus on core business activities while leaving HR responsibilities in capable hands.
  • Access to Technology and Tools: IT companies specializing in HR services often have access to advanced HR software and tools. These tools can streamline HR processes, automate administrative tasks, and provide data-driven insights for informed decision-making.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: HR needs can vary depending on the size, industry, and growth stage of a business. Specialized HR service providers can tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of an organization, whether it's supporting a small business or a large enterprise.
  • Employee Engagement and Development: HR services extend beyond administrative tasks. They can include employee engagement initiatives, training and development programs, performance management, and fostering a positive work culture. These efforts contribute to higher employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

When choosing a Human Resources service provider for a project, we suggest you to consider the following criteria:

  • Expertise and Experience
  • Comprehensive Service Offerings
  • Compliance and Legal Knowledge
  • Technology Capabilities
  • Location
  • Hourly rate is a valuable resource for finding the best Human Resources companies for your projects. With over 380 companies listed on the platform providing HR services across 60+ countries, simplifies the search process. The platform provides detailed company profiles, client reviews, and ratings to help you evaluate and compare different service providers.

In addition, two reasons why you should use TechBehemoths to find the right HR company for your needs, are

  • Extensive Global Network: offers a comprehensive directory of HR companies spanning various countries and regions. This allows you to explore a wide range of options and find HR service providers with local expertise, cultural understanding, and knowledge of regional labor laws.
  • Verified Information and Reviews: TechBehemoths focuses on delivering reliable and unbiased information. The platform features detailed company profiles, client reviews, and ratings, helping you make informed decisions based on real experiences from other organizations. This transparency ensures that you can choose an HR provider with confidence.