Top Mobile App Development
Companies in
TechBehemoths Awards 2022

TechBehemoths awarded
5 Mobile App Development
companies in Bulgaria

Awarded for excellence, hard work and positive feedback. Every awarded company is distinguished by its scalable performance in 2022 for its services.

Awarded companies

This year, the following Mobile App Development companies managed to provide an outstanding service and support. It's worth taking a look.

SCAVASOFT is European full-service software development company, offering scalability and management of all stages of the project lifecycle including consultancy, architecture, design, development, quality assurance and maintenance. Our mission is to provide exceptional value to our partners by delivering outstanding quality software with speedy...

Founding Year 2022
Team size 10
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $30-70/h

Founded in 2012 by three friends with 15+ years of experience, Droxic gradually turned into a trusted partner for web and mobile services development all over the world. We make it our pride to design, develop and deliver outstanding experiences and services.We are Droxic:✅ We connect brands with people through digital platforms.✅ We work on tech...

Founding Year 2012
Team size 50
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $70-150/h

Profile strength: Excellent


From 13 reviews

CodeCoda is an innovative global IT and BPO services, solutions and Advanced Software Development provider, in one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. We were founded by IT Veterans to provide a stable way of working for themselves and being true to their understanding about true customer dedication and technical excellence.  Headquartered...

Founding Year 2017
Team size 50
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $30-70/h

Founded in 2015, today Upnetix is among the largest enterprises in South-Eastern Europe, specialized in the design and development of seamless software solutions, tailored to meet your individual needs. Drawing on the deep technical and business expertise of our engineering team, we provide our customers with exceptional value for their business. B...

Founding Year 2016
Team size 50
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $70-150/h

Melon is a software development outsourcing company based in Bulgaria. Our talent spans from web to mobile, backed by a QA, Big Data&Machine Learning, cloud, DevOps and system support, and UX/UI and visual design departments. We are especially good at building teams that closely match our clients’ needed technological skillset and experience....

Founding Year 2002
Team size 50
Hourly Rate $$$$$ $70-150/h

How we Award?

It is important to mention that all the awards and rankings on the platform are based exclusively on meritocracy. No one can buy or manipulate an award. The ranking is calculated based on several complex metrics including users' interaction with a business profile, the number of events it gets or messages received.

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Impressed with others' results and want your business to be awarded in 2023? Please refer to this guideline on how to improve your profile . It will take you a few minutes every month, but the outcome is worth it. You will feel that in the numbers with project leads and inquiries.

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